Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: HB2912
Category: Environment
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Provides that a person may not knowingly release or cause to be released into the atmosphere within a 24-hour period 25 or more helium or other lighter-than-air gas balloons in the State unless the balloons are (1) used by an institution of higher education or a governmental agency, or pursuant to a governmental contract, for bona fide scientific or meteorological purposes, (2) released indoors and remain indoors, or (3) are helium balloons used for the safe operation of a hot air balloon. Provides that persons who violate the amendatory Act's provisions shall be subject to civil penalties in specified amounts and that the release of 25 balloons or fewer at one time is a single offense. Makes corresponding changes in provisions regarding mitigation or aggravation of penalty in determining the appropriate civil penalty to be imposed, as well as regarding minimum penalties based on economic benefits.

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