Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: SB2305
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Illinois TRUST Act. Provides that law enforcement may not: (i) retain information regarding the citizenship or immigration status or place of birth of any individual; (ii) give any immigration agent access, including by telephone or other communication medium (rather than only including by telephone), to any individual who is in that agency's custody; (iii) permit immigration agents' use of agency facilities or equipment, including any agency electronic databases not available to the public (rather than permit immigration agents use of agency facilities or equipment, including any agency electronic databases not available to the public, for investigative interviews or other investigative or immigration enforcement purpose); or (iv) provide information to any immigration agent regarding any individual in the agency's custody (rather than provide information in response to any immigration agent's inquiry or request for information regarding any individual in the agency's custody). Provides that law enforcement may not enter into or maintain any agreement regarding direct access to any electronic database or other data-sharing platform maintained by a law enforcement agency, or otherwise provide such direct access to a federal entity enforcing civil immigration law or any third parties unless such third parties certify that the information will not be used for civil immigration purposes or knowingly disseminated for any purpose related to civil immigration enforcement. Adds provisions from the Keep Illinois Families Together Act to the Illinois TRUST Act. Changes reporting requirements. Removes certain provisions from the legislative purpose. Changes definitions. Repeals the Keep Illinois Families Together Act. Effective immediately.

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