Summary as Introduced
Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Requires the Department of Children and Family Services to make reasonable efforts to develop a youth-driven transition plan for each youth in care aged 18 and over for whom the court has set a permanency goal of independence or home environment not appropriate. Requires the plan to address, at a minimum, the youth's housing, mental and physical health and well-being, financial stability, employment, education, connections to supportive adults and peers, transition to adult services, if applicable, and child care and parenting supports, if applicable. Requires the Department to make reasonable efforts to assist the youth in accomplishing the plan and to ensure the youth is aware of any post-case closure supports and services and how to access such supports and services. Requires the Department to assist a youth in care in obtaining a list of persons, with contact information, who are willing to provide the youth with support. Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Require the court to conduct Successful Transition to Adulthood Review hearings for minors who are 18 years old and older for whom the court has entered a goal of independence or home environment not appropriate. Lists certain information the Department shall provide the court 14 days prior to the hearing as well as certain Department actions that are subject to the court's review. Provides that if the court finds the Department has failed to make reasonable efforts to assist the minor in developing a plan toward independence, the court may enter such orders it deems necessary to ensure the minor is prepared to achieve the goal of independence when the minor turns 21 years of age. Makes conforming changes.