Session: 102nd General Assembly
Year: 2021
Bill #: HB3699
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Procurement of Domestic Products Act. Establishes the Made in Illinois and America Office as a department under the jurisdiction of the Executive Ethics Commission. Provides for the appointed of a Director of the Office. Provides for duties of the Office. Provides for the adoption of rules regarding the Office. Provides that purchasing agencies shall promote the purchase of and give preference to manufactured articles, materials, and supplies that have been manufactured in Illinois (currently, the United States). Provides that, if the purchasing agency determines that certain conditions apply to a procured product, then, with respect to that procurement, the purchasing agency shall give preference to manufactured articles, materials, and supplies that have been manufactured in the United States. Provides waiver requirements under the Act. Requires purchasing agencies to submit compliance reports. Defines terms. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.

Staff Analysis

Provides grants and financial support to assist in the identification, apprehension and prosecution of hijackers and the recovery of hijacked and stolen motor vehicles.

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