Summary as Introduced
Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility in or within one mile of an urban area (instead of in or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people). Allows a county (in addition to a municipality) to opt out of bicycle and pedestrian way construction by passing a resolution stating that a bicycle or pedestrian way does not fit within its development plan.
Staff Analysis
Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility in or within one mile of an urban area (instead of in or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people). Allows a county (in addition to a municipality) to opt out of bicycle and pedestrian way construction by passing a resolution stating that a bicycle or pedestrian way does not fit within its development plan. This bill is an ISACo initiative.