Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: SB2227
Category: County Authority
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes

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Summary as Introduced

Creates the Universal Basic Income Prohibition Act. Defines "universal basic income" as a government program that provides a base income to persons residing in Illinois by disbursing direct, recurring cash payments to persons to be used for any purpose without qualification or restriction. Provides that the General Assembly, a state agency, or a unit of local government may not pass a law, rule, resolution, or ordinance establishing a universal basic income program or any similar program. Provides that nothing in the Act shall be construed to (i) diminish, negate, or interfere with a State public aid or social welfare program established by law, rule, resolution, or ordinance before the effective date of the Act that does not meet the criteria of a universal basic income program, including, but not limited to, township general assistance programs, or (ii) prohibit the passage of a law, rule, resolution, or ordinance that establishes or implements a public aid or social welfare program that does not meet the criteria of a universal basic income program or any similar guaranteed income program. Limits home rule powers by providing that regulation of universal basic income is an exclusive power and function of the State. Effective immediately.

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