This week's Illinois State Association of Counties (ISACo) News and Views e-newsletter includes an update on the fall Veto Session, links to several newly tracked ISACo bills, provides a report with newly filed amendments pertinent to counties, shares updated information on Personal Property Replacement Tax (PPRT) revenue, announces a second notice of funding opportunity for the Residential Sharps Collection Program, highlights a new state agency for early childhood programs and funding, shares information about funding awarded for youth mental health services, highlights two Illinois programs selected as U.S. Economic Development Administration (USEDA) Tech Hubs, announces a new appointment to the State Board of Health, shares information about additional grant funding to Illinois from the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), announces the availability of tourism grant funding, includes recommended news content, provides an opportunity to submit proposals for ISACo's 2024 legislative agenda, announces upcoming National Association of Counties (NACo) and Public Surplus webinar opportunities, highlights ISACo corporate partner Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC and invites counties to join ISACo.
Veto Session Update
The General Assembly convened on October 24-26 for the first days of the fall Veto Session. The House canceled the scheduled October 26 session day.
None of the vetoes or amendatory vetoes were acted upon last week, but will likely be considered when the General Assembly returns for the final scheduled days of Veto Session on November 7-9.
The legislation of most interest to counties that received vetoes and amendatory vetoes is available via this link.
While not acting on any vetoes, the Illinois Senate considered several measures last week.
The Illinois Senate unanimously approved HB 351, as amended, which creates the Task Force to Review Eligibility to Hold Public Office to make recommendations as to what criminal conduct should preclude an individual from holding public office. In addition, the bill further clarifies what information notaries must retain for the purpose of petitions. HB 351 is headed back to the House for concurrence.
The Senate Executive Committee voted 8-4 to approve SFA #1 to SB 508 which provides that unless otherwise required by federal or state law, an employer shall not voluntarily enroll in the E-Verify program or a similar system and provides for additional rights and protections granted to an employee if there is a discrepancy. This legislation is intended to clean up SB 1515 which sponsors asked the Governor to veto. The amendment is now pending before the Senate.
The Senate State Government Committee approved Senate Amendments (SA) #2 and #3 to SB 853, which together represent an omnibus state government clean-up bill. The amendments, which are now pending before the Senate, make the following changes:
- Transfers authority for constitutional officer protection to the Illinois State Police (ISP).
- Extends the Alternative Protein Innovation Task Force.
- Extends the repeal date of the ISP 911 grants to 2025.
- Aligns the definition of foster family home and residential treatment with federal guidelines.
- Extends the repeal date of sentencing guidelines for individuals convicted of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon who have certain prior convictions.
- Changes the Crime Victims Compensation Act to allow multiple applicants to receive payment for funeral benefits.
- Moves the effective date to July 1, 2024 for state employee coverage for all types of medically necessary injectable medicines prescribed on-label or off-label to improve glucose or weight loss for use by adults diagnosed or previously diagnosed with prediabetes, gestational diabetes, or obesity.
The Senate State Government Committee unanimously approved SFA #1, #2, and #3 to SB 854 which represent the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 omnibus bill to extend multiple sunsets which are set to expire in the next 6 months. The amendments are now pending before the Senate.
Upcoming Legislative Committee Hearing
The House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT Committee will hold a joint hearing with the House Judiciary - Civil Committee on November 2 at 10 am in the Bilandic Building in Chicago (and Virtual Room 1) to discuss emerging issues in artificial intelligence.
List of Newly-Tracked Bills
The following bills have recently been added to ISACo's tracked bill list. If there is no position listed then the bill is still under review by staff. A complete list of ISACo tracked bills is available via this link.
HB 4183 - Crim Cd-Agg Crim Sex Abuse (No Position)
HB 4184 - Meth Control-Subsequent Offense (No Position)
HB 4185 - Prop Tx-Disabilities
HB 4187 - Repeal Illinois Trust Act (No Position)
HB 4188 - Assault Weapons-Large Ammo Feed (No Position)
HB 4189 - Open Space-Distressed Local Project
HB 4190 - Paid Leave for All Workers (Support)
HB 4191 - Paid Leave for All-Forest Dist. (No Position)
HB 4197 - EPA-Environmental Justice (No Position)
HB 4198 - Elec Cd-Vote by Mail
HB 4199 - Snap-After-Tax Income (No Position)
SB 2616 - Unlawful Discrimination-Family
SB 2617 - Cottage Food Operations
SB 2618 - Construction Safe Detour Act (Support)
SB 2619 - $State Police Enforcement (No Position)
SB 2623 - Ins Cd-Fertility Preservation (No Position)
SB 2626 - Crim Id Act-Expungement Filing (No Position)
SB 2629 - Open Space-Distressed Local Project
SB 2631 - Century Network-Dist. Access (Support)
*An ISACo tracked bill includes bills that directly or tangentially impact county finances and operations, bills that may be of interest to county officials for the performance of their duties and legislation presented "for your information." ISACo positions of "support" or "oppose" are usually reserved for bills that directly or tangentially impact county finances and operations. ISACo also supports member county initiatives that are consistent with ISACo's County Platform.
Amendments Filed Last Week
A list of amendments filed for ISACo tracked bills during the week of October 23-27 is available via this link. In some cases, an amendment includes provisions that, if adopted, make the legislation an ISACo-tracked bill.
Personal Property Replacement Tax Update
In our May 30, 2023, News and Views e-newsletter (linked here), ISACo reported that changes in the tax code created an overpayment of Personal Property Replacement Taxes (PPRT) that will need to be rescinded over the next two fiscal years (beginning with the SFY 2024 state budget) and shifted to income tax allocations. The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) explained the changes in an announcement available via this link.
On August 10, 2023, IDOR published their PPRT estimate (available via this link) indicating a 28.8 percent reduction for SFY 2024 compared to SFY 2023.
The Daily Herald published an article (available vis this link) about the reduction of PPRT distributions to local governments.
ISACo will continue to provide updates about PPRT and other state-shared revenue sources.
Second Notice of Funding Opportunity for Residential Sharps Collection Programs
On October 25, 2023, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Director John J. Kim announced an additional funding opportunity to provide grants to units of local government for the collection and disposal of household sharps from their residents. Household sharps include needles, syringes, and lancets that residents use in their homes for medical purposes. Through the grant program, IEPA will reimburse grantees that operate a sharps collection station as defined in Section 3.458 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. More information is available here.
“This grant program provides needed funding to local governments to offer residents a safe, free option to dispose of medical sharps,” said Director Kim. “Many households face the challenge of disposing of their medical sharps, and we encourage local units of government to apply for this funding to help ensure medical sharps are collected and disposed of properly.”
The press release is available via this link.
Unified Early Childhood State Agency Proposed
On October 24, 2023, Governor Pritzker was joined by Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, Deputy Governor Grace Hou, Deputy Governor Martin Torres, elected officials, and state agency directors at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning to announce a proposal to create a new state agency to house all early childhood programs and funding. The new unified agency will provide a more equitable, integrated and holistic system of services for young children and families in Illinois.
“We need a governance system that is unified in its approach to serving families, working with providers, and promoting equity,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Our Smart Start Illinois plan served as the catalyst for this transition, but this new agency will cover so much more. From Illinois State Board of Education’s (ISBE) Early Childhood Block Grants and the Department of Children and Family Services' (DCFS) day care licensing program to the Department of Human Services' (DHS) childcare, home visiting and early intervention services, soon all of these programs will be administered under the same agency.”
The initiative is a multi-year process which will be implemented via a combination of Executive Order 2023-09 and legislation during the 2024 legislative session.
The press release is available via this link.
Funding for Youth Mental Health Services
On October 24, 2023, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced that the State of Illinois has awarded $9.5 million in funding to 40 different applicants across the state to support post-pandemic child and adolescent health. The size of the grants range from $83,000 to over $400,000. Sixty percent of the grants are going to schools, 20 percent to hospital or clinic-based programs, 17.5 percent to local health departments and 2.5 percent to colleges.
The press release is available via this link.
Two Illinois Programs Selected as U.S. EDA Tech Hubs
On October 23, 2023, the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced that two Illinois programs have been designated as part of 31 Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs (Tech Hubs). The Central Illinois Fermentation and Agriculture Biomanufacturing (iFAB) Hub and the Chicago Area Quantum Tech Hub: The Bloch were selected based on their innovation and economic growth potential- they will now be eligible to apply for the second phase of the Tech Hubs Program to receive between $50 and $75 million in federal funding.
The press release is available via this link.
Governor Pritzker Announces One Appointment to Boards and Commissions
Dawn Brown will serve as a Member of the State Board of Health. With over 24 years of clinical and educational experience, Brown currently serves as the Assistant Chair of Curricular Affairs and as an Assistant Professor in the Northwestern University Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences.
Illinois Awarded Additional Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) has been awarded an $11.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to support continued modernization, fraud defense and equitable access to unemployment insurance (UI) systems nationwide. Illinois was one of 19 states and territories selected to receive more than $204 million in federal funds to help make UI systems more reliable and accessible to users.
This is the sixth UI modernization award IDES has received from U.S. DOL, totaling nearly $30 million, to better strengthen, streamline and enhance the customer experience and accessibility of the UI program and defend against fraud. Previous grant awards have focused on fraud prevention and detection and begun to fund equity-focused projects, all grounded in using expanded data to identify potential inequities in the unemployment pipeline within underrepresented groups. Using new demographic data and user insights, the Department intends to refine UI service delivery technology, processes and communications for more equitable access and experience. This includes making UI information easier to understand, translating information into multiple languages, expanded self-service digital options and increased outreach to community-level organizations.
The press release is available via this link.
Tourism Grant Funding
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is offering $15.4 million in tourism funding through two grant programs, the Tourism Attractions Grant Program ($10.8 million) and the Tourism Private Sector Grant Program ($4.6 million). Eligible entities can apply for grants to attract, develop, and improve new and existing tourism-related projects, events and festivals in an effort to boost tourism across the state and welcome more visitors. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity process.
The press release is available via this link.
What We're Reading
States Act, but Can Legislation Slow AI-Generated Election Disinformation? (Governing)
Navigating Tap Water Contamination: Tips for Maintaining Public Trust During a Time of Heightened Awareness (American City and County)
The End of Money Bond hasn’t Led to an Electronic Monitoring Spike in Chicago—for Now (Chicago Reader)
Illinois jail numbers were supposed to drop with the end of cash bail. Did they? (Rockford Register Star)
AI Bots Are Helping 911 Dispatchers Manage Workloads (Governing)
Technology and Collaboration are Key for Keeping Federal Buildings Safe and Secure (American City and County)
State Estimates $13 Billion Drop in Business Taxes for Local Governments (Daily Herald)
ISACo Accepting Legislative Proposals for 2024 - INPUT REQUESTED!
Does your county have a problem in need of a legislative solution? If so, please e-mail it to ISACo at by November 1, 2023. Submitted proposals will be considered by the Legislative Committee. Proposals ultimately approved by the ISACo Board of Directors will be included within our 2024 Illinois County Action Program (ICAP).
Upcoming Public Surplus Webinar Dates
Public Surplus will be offering 20-minute webinar sessions to interested individuals to learn more about Public Surplus and its online auction site. Participants will also be guided on how to register, or re-register to create a new account.
Public Surplus is an online auction platform that offers services to local government agencies.
ISACo has partnered with Public Surplus to provide large discounts for our county members when it comes to doing online auctions, specifically real estate sales.
Through a partnership with ISACo, Illinois counties are eligible to list items with a reduced buyer's premium, which will encourage competitive bidding on surplus items listed. With Public Surplus, buyers are responsible for all service fees, and it costs counties nothing to use the service.
Public Surplus will also provide a 10 percent rebate to ISACo on each sale so that the Association can continue to offer a high level of service at minimal cost to members.
The webinar will take place on the following dates:
- November 3, 2023, at 2pm CST Click on this link to join the webinar meeting.
- November 16, 2023, at 1pm CST (Link Available Later)
- November 30, 2023, at 10am CST (Link Available Later)
Upcoming NACo Webinars
NACo has announced the following upcoming webinar opportunities. ISACo is a proud partner with NACo and encourages counties to participate in NACo membership and activities.
Supreme Court Preview for Local Governments: 2023-2024 Term
(Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
Hosted by the Local Government Legal Center (LGLC), join legal experts in a discussion of the new Supreme Court term and what decisions local governments should watch. The Supreme Court will rule on several major cases this term, including on issues related to:
A possible new standard for employment liability under Title VII;
Whether a public official’s social media account can constitute state action for the purposes of the First Amendment;
Whether the Supreme Court should overrule Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which relates to deference that courts should provide administrative agencies; and
Whether firearm regulations prohibiting individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders violate the Second Amendment
Speakers will discuss these cases as well as others that are relevant to local governments.
The LGLC is a coalition of national local government organizations formed in 2023 by the National Association of Counties (NACo), National League of Cities (NLC), International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) and Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to provide education to local governments regarding the Supreme Court and its impact on local governments and local officials and to advocate for local government positions at the Supreme Court in appropriate cases.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
Making Relevant Data Accessible to Residents: Spotlight on Clermont County
(Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
As county government leaders, you are constantly seeking ways to improve local government services, enhance efficiency, and effectively connect with your residents. In this dynamic era, system modernization has emerged as a transformative strategy to address county goals and unlock the potential of government operations. Supported by compelling evidence and real-world examples, we will highlight the benefits Clermont County’s modern tech has brought to their community.
Learning Objectives:
• Gain valuable insights into the transformative potential of software modernization in counties.
• Discover best practices, lessons learned, and strategies for implementing shared data initiatives.
• Learn how county modernization can strengthen your connection with the communities you serve.
This presentation will focus on how Clermont County deployed Tyler Technologies solutions to serve its residents and on the county’s innovative approach to sharing data with its community. Join NACo as they dive into the benefits of county modernization through technology – connecting department services.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
NACo EDGE's PPP Announces Newest Cooperative Contract for Elevators, Walkways & Lifts
(Thursday, November 2, 2023, 2:00pm-3:00pm CST)
NACo’s new purchasing cooperative, Public Promise Procurement, has partnered with Maricopa County, Arizona to solicit and award a national cooperative contract to KONE Corporation for elevator, escalator, walkway and lift new construction, modernization, maintenance and repair services. Join NACo for a 30-minute webinar where you’ll hear from Maricopa County’s procurement team regarding the sourcing and selection process and from KONE about their newest solutions available to all public agencies through the contract.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
County Programs Aimed at Supporting Residents and the Construction of Housing Units
(Monday, November 6, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
Investment – often a blend of financing, lending, and county tax policy – is required to successfully develop new housing, maintain existing housing stock, and navigate housing support systems. Looking holistically at county financing, tax and policy touchpoints can help foster housing affordability. County leaders can make housing projects more attractive through tax incentives and can use revenues to administer supportive programs for low-income individuals. In this session, three former housing task force members will discuss programs counties have enacted that are aimed at supporting the construction of housing units and supporting renters and homeowners.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
NACo EDGE's PPP Announces Newest Cooperative Contract for Elevators, Walkways & Lifts
(Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 2:00pm-3:00pm CST)
NACo’s new purchasing cooperative, Public Promise Procurement, has partnered with Maricopa County, Arizona to solicit and award a national cooperative contract to KONE Corporation for elevator, escalator, walkway and lift new construction, modernization, maintenance and repair services. Join NACo for a 30-minute webinar where you’ll hear from Maricopa County’s procurement team regarding the sourcing and selection process and from KONE about their newest solutions available to all public agencies through the contract.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.
TechKnow Series: November and December Sessions
(Thursday, November 20 - December 13, 2023, 12:00pm-1:00pm CST)
November 20, 2023 | 12:00pm CST - Charting Your AI Growth: Practical Generative AI - An Introduction to Use Cases
December 13, 2023 | 12:00pm CST - Charting Your AI Growth: Practical Generative AI - Steps for Productivity Improvements
The dates above are for the TechKnow Webinar Series following the Tech Xchange Overview where there will be a discussion regarding the developments of Generative AI as a tool, its use cases and the potential in productivity improvements.
Click on this link to register for the webinar.

This week's corporate partner spotlight highlights ISACo's partnership with Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC.
The Law Firm of Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC strives to provide superior legal representation with the objective of exceeding their clients’ expectations. Each member of the firm is committed to utilizing critical analysis and innovative approaches to achieve timely resolutions with the best possible results for their clients.
More information about the services provided by Mahoney, Silverman and Cross, LLC is available via this link.
Click on this link to learn more about the benefits and opportunities available through ISACo's Corporate Partner Program.
Become an ISACo Member!
Is your county a member of ISACo? If not, why not?
ISACo is a statewide association whose mission is to empower county officials to provide excellent service to their residents.
ISACo member counties are comprised of forward-thinking public servants who recognize that the challenges confronting county governments require new and innovative ideas, collaborative solutions and collective advocacy at the state and federal levels of government.
Members of the association will benefit from education and training opportunities, peer-to-peer networking, shared resources and robust representation before policymakers at various levels of government. ISACo creates and connects county officials to these opportunities and successfully equips them to make counties ideal places to live, work and play.
If your county is interested in discussing membership in ISACo, please contact Executive Director Joe McCoy at (217) 679-3368 or ISACo member counties are listed here. Thank you for your consideration.