Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: SB2243
Category: Elections
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Election Code. In provisions requiring election authorities to automatically register a voter, requires the election authority to act within 90 days of receipt of information from the National Change of Address database. Requires county clerks and the Board of Election Commissioners to complete verifications of voter registrations after a consolidated election in an odd-numbered year but before the first day of candidate circulation for candidate filing for the following primary election in an even-numbered year (rather than at least once in every 2 years). Requires the county clerks and the Board of Election Commissioners to certify to the State Board of Elections that the verification has been conducted and completed within 30 days of completion of the verification. Requires the State Board of Elections to establish training materials and guidelines for judges of elections to be incorporated into the training course established by an election authority. Requires an election authority with a public website to ensure that its vote by mail processing procedures are published on its public website and accessible to the public no less than 120 days before a general election, a general primary election, or a consolidated election. Provides that vote by mail ballots received after the election are subject to audit by the State Board of Elections and provides the auditing guidelines. Provides that the State central committee chair of each established political party shall be given prior written notice of the time and place of the random selection procedure and may be represented at the procedure. Provides that if tally sheets to be delivered to the office of the county clerk by judges of elections are delayed more than 5 hours after the closing of the polls, the designated judges from each of the 2 major political parties shall subscribe to a written affidavit explaining the delay. Requires the county clerk to keep any affidavits for one year and allows certified copies to be used as evidence in all courts, proceedings, and election contests. Requires the affidavits to also appear on an election authority's post on its website along with the number of uncounted votes.

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