Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: HB3507
Category: Forest Preserves
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Defines "grounds". Removes a prohibition from carrying a firearm into any real property under the control of the Cook County Forest Preserve District. Allows a forest preserve district to prohibit persons from carrying a firearm into any botanic garden, swimming pool, grounds of a swimming pool, athletic venue, picnic grove, nature center, grounds of a nature center, pavilion, grounds of a pavilion, golf course, driving range, adventure course, grounds of an adventure course, zipline building, grounds of a zipline, equestrian center, grounds of an equestrian center, exercise venue, grounds of an exercise venue, or any public or private gathering or special event conducted on property that requires the issuance of a permit. Adds an exception for persons carrying a firearm while traveling along a public right of way that touches or crosses forest preserve districts where firearms are prohibited. Adds an exception for forest preserve districts from provisions regarding required signage.

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