Session: 103rd General Assembly
Year: 2024
Bill #: HB5287
Category: County Officials
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Amends the Counties Code. In provisions regarding county officer stipends in counties of less than 2,000,000 population, provides that, for State fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2024, the State Board of Elections shall remit to each county the amount required for the stipend for the county clerk, the county recorder, and the chief clerk of each county board of election commissioners. Requires the money from the State Board of Elections to be deposited by the county treasurer into a fund dedicated for that purpose, and requires the county payroll clerk to pay the stipend within 10 business days after those funds are deposited into the county fund. Provides that the stipend shall not be considered part of the recipient's base compensation and must be remitted to the recipient in addition to the recipient's annual salary or compensation. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2024, the county shall be responsible for the State and federal income tax reporting and withholding as well as the employer contributions under the Illinois Pension Code on the stipend under the provisions. Effective immediately.

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