Amends the Officers and Employees Article of the Counties Code. Decreases the minimum number of inhabitants that must reside in a county for the county to be required to create the office of county auditor from 75,000 inhabitants to 70,000 inhabitants.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Interest Attorney Assistance Act. Provides that if a participant in the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program has been an assistant Public Defender for at least 6 years in an office of an Illinois Public Defender, other than the Office of the Cook County Public Defender, and the participant graduated from a law school in this State, then the maximum amount of loan repayment assistance during the participant's career shall be equal to the full tuition cost charged the participant while attending that law school or $30,000, whichever is greater (rather than a maximum of $30,000 for any program participant). House Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. In provisions concerning the advisory committee for the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program, provides that one person from the Illinois Public Defender Association (instead of one person from an office of an Illinois Public Defender) shall be on the advisory committee. Provides that if a participant in the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program has been an assistant Public Defender for at least 4 years in one or more offices of an Illinois Public Defender (instead of for at least 6 years in an office of an Illinois Public Defender, other than the Office of the Cook County Public Defender), then the maximum amount of loan repayment assistance shall be equal to the full tuition cost charged the participant while attending law school or $30,000, whichever is greater.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Repeals a provision which specifies that the office of county treasurer shall become vacant if, in certain circumstances, the county treasurer neglects or refuses to render an account or make settlement at any time when required by law, refuses to answer any question regarding the operation of the county treasurer's office propounded by the county board, or refuses to provide the county board with any requested information concerning the accounts maintained by the county treasurer's office. Provides that the office of county treasurer shall become vacant if the county treasurer dies or resigns or the office otherwise becomes vacant. The bill is supported by the Illinois County Treasurers Association and opposed by the Illinois Association of County Board Members.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Creates the Coroner Standards and Reorganization Task Force. Provides for the appointment of 9 members to the Task Force. Includes provisions relating to Task Force membership, meetings, duties to evaluate different aspects concerning coroners in Illinois, and reports to the Governor and General Assembly. Provides that the Coroner Training Board shall provide administrative and other support to the Task Force. Provides that the Task Force is dissolved on January 1, 2025. Repeals the provisions on January 1, 2026. Effective immediately.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county's full-time public defender must be paid an annual salary that is at least 100% (rather than 90%) of the county State's attorney's annual compensation. Requires the State to pay 100% (rather than 66 2/3%) of the public defender's annual salary. Prohibits a public defender for a county of 30,000 or more inhabitants from engaging in the private practice of law if the public defender is receiving not less than 100% (rather than 90%) of the compensation of the State's attorney of that county. Effective July 1, 2023.

View Details
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the fee for a coroner's or medical examiner's permit to cremate a human body is $100 (rather than $50). Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Public Official Body Camera Act. Provides that the State Board of Elections shall develop rules for the use of body cameras by public officials of the State. Specifies requirements concerning the use of body cameras. Provides that recordings made with the use of a body camera worn by a public official are not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that the recordings may be used as evidence in any administrative, judicial, legislative, or disciplinary proceeding. Provides that if a court or other finder of fact finds by a preponderance of the evidence that a recording was intentionally not captured, destroyed, altered, or intermittently captured in violation of the Act, then the court or other finder of fact shall consider or be instructed to consider that violation in weighing the evidence, unless the State provides a reasonable justification. Makes conforming changes to the Freedom of Information Act.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the county board or board of county commissioners of each county shall appoint a medical examiner and the medical examiner may appoint a deputy medical examiner, who both shall be physicians licensed to practice within this State. Discontinues the office of the coroner in each county on December 1, 2024 replacing it with the appointed medical examiner. Allows a medical examiner to appoint investigators. Provides that 2 or more counties may enter into an agreement to allow the same persons to act as medical examiners, deputy medical examiners, and investigators. Allows a medical examiner to establish an elderly and vulnerable adult death review team. Makes other changes concerning removal of medical examiners and deputy medical examiners, bonds, death investigations, identification of bodies, expenses, records, organ donation and cremation of a body subject to investigation, autopsies, removal of property found near a body, and notification of a medical examiner. Limits concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Amends various other Acts and Codes making conforming changes. Effective December 1, 2024, except that specified provisions take effect immediately.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Clerks of Courts Act. Removes language providing for the compensation of Clerks of the Circuit Court. Provides instead that the salary of a clerk of the circuit court elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be set as a percentage of the salary of Judges of the Circuit Court and shall be in the following amounts: in counties where the population is less than 14,000, 55%; in counties where the population is 14,001 to 30,000, 60%; in counties where the population is 30,001 to 60,000, 65%; in counties where the population is 60,001 to 100,000, 70%; in counties where the population is is 100,001 to 200,000, 75%; in counties where the population is 200,001 to 300,000, 80%; in counties where the population is 300,001 to 3,000,000, 85%; and in counties where the population is over 3,000,000, 90%. Requires the State to furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a clerk of the circuit court, and the county to furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Provides that if, on the effective date of the amendatory Act, the salary of a clerk is greater than the percentage of the circuit judges salary in the provisions, that circuit clerk's salary shall not be reduced.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, when a corner knows or is informed that a death is suspected to be a maternal or fetal death due to an abortion, the coroner shall go to the place where the dead body is located, take charge of the body, and make a preliminary investigation into the circumstances of the death. Effective immediate.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Election Code, the Children and Family Services Act, the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act, the Township Code, the Illinois Municipal Code, the Public Library District Act of 1991, the School Code, the Home Medical Equipment and Services Provider License Act, the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975, the Illinois Gambling Act, the Liquor Control Act of 1934, and the Criminal Code of 2012. Makes changes in these Acts to provisions concerning whether a conviction for certain criminal offenses disqualifies an individual from serving in one of the specified public offices or on one of the specified boards and commissions. Makes conforming changes.

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Mandate? No
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Local Officer Eligibility Act. Provides that a person seeking a local office or a local officer seeking another office may not qualify as a candidate for more than one office unless the person follows the requirements of this Act. Provides that, if a local officer seeks to become a candidate for any other office and any part of the terms run concurrently with each other, the person must first resign the local office that the officer presently holds. Includes resignation requirements. Provides that a person who is a deputy sheriff, county corrections officer, court security officer, or other person a sheriff otherwise supervises must resign as provided under the provisions if the person is seeking to qualify for the office of the sheriff. Provides that, if an election authority determines that a person failed to resign as required under the Act, an automatic resignation occurs 14 days after the filing of a petition for nomination. Requires the election authority to provide notice of the automatic resignation. Provides that the Act does not apply to a person already appointed to or is seeking appointment to an appointive board, task force, commission, or authority. Defines terms. Limits concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Amends the Election Code making conforming changes.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the salary (exclusive of any other compensation or benefits) of a clerk or recorder who is elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall not be less than 80% of the salary set for the State's Attorney for the county in which the county clerk or recorder is elected or appointed. Provides that the State shall furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a clerk or recorder, and the county shall furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Makes conforming changes, including removing outdated salary references.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the salary (exclusive of any other compensation or benefits) of a county treasurer who is elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act in a non-home rule county shall not be less than 80% of the salary set for the State's Attorney for the county in which the county treasurer is elected or appointed. Provides that the State shall furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a county treasurer, and the county shall furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the fee for a coroner's or medical examiner's permit to cremate a human body is $100 (rather than $50). Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act. Provides that a member of a county board or county board of commissioners may not also hold the office of township highway commissioner. Repeals a Section providing that a member of the county board in a county having fewer than 550,000 inhabitants, during the term of office for which the member is elected, may also hold the office of township highway commissioner. Effective immediately.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Provides that in addition to any other applicable requirement of law, State's Attorneys, and the Assistant State's Attorneys working thereunder, shall abide by the ethics laws applicable to, and the ethics policies of, the county for which they work and, if applicable, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of that county's ethics officer or inspector general.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, on and after January 1, 2024, group life, health, accident, hospital, and medical insurance may not be provided to part-time county board members unless the same benefits are provided or offered to part-time employees of the county. Effective immediately.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes


Amends the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. Provides additional required economic interests to be listed by specified persons on a statement of economic interests filed under the Act.

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Mandate? No
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Lobbyist Registration Act. Specifies that, as used in the Act, "official" includes specified officials of a unit of local government. Modifies "lobby" and "lobbying", as used in the Act, to add illustrative examples and to provide that a person has not communicated for the ultimate purpose of influencing a State or local governmental action solely by submitting an application for a government permit or license or by responding to a government request for proposals or qualifications. Changes the definition "lobbyist", as used in the Act, to mean a natural person who, on behalf of any person other than himself or herself, or as any part of his or her duties as an employee of another, undertakes to influence or lobby for any executive, legislative, or administrative action for State government or a unit of local government, and includes illustrative examples of lobbyists.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Public Official Body Camera Act. Provides that the State Board of Elections shall develop rules for the use of body cameras by public officials of the State. Specifies requirements concerning the use of body cameras. Provides that recordings made with the use of a body camera worn by a public official are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act only to the extent recordings or portions of recordings are responsive to the request. Provides that the recordings may be used as evidence in any administrative, judicial, legislative, or disciplinary proceeding. Provides that, if a court or other finder of fact finds by a preponderance of the evidence that a recording was intentionally not captured, destroyed, altered, or intermittently captured in violation of the Act, then the court or other finder of fact shall consider or be instructed to consider that violation in weighing the evidence, unless the State or public official provides a reasonable justification. Makes conforming changes to the Freedom of Information Act.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the State shall indemnify and hold harmless a board-certified forensic pathologist who has been appointed or designated by a county or a county coroner's office to perform autopsies for all of the pathologist's acts, omissions, decisions, or conduct arising out of the scope of the pathologist's duties of performing autopsies for the county, except those involving willful or wanton misconduct. Provides that indemnification shall be as provided under the State Employee Indemnification Act. Amends the State Employee Indemnification Act to make conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $3,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Office of the Kane County State's Attorney for its operational expenses. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, if a drug overdose is officially determined to be the cause or a contributing factor in a death, the coroner or medical examiner shall report the following information, at a minimum, to the Department of Public Health: (i) if known or knowable (rather than if possible), the cause of the overdose; (ii) whether or not fentanyl was part or all of the consumed substance; (iii) if fentanyl is part of the consumed substance, what other substances were consumed, if known or knowable; and (iv) if fentanyl is part of the consumed substance, in what proportion was fentanyl consumed to other substance or substances, if known or knowable. Requires the report to include, if possible, the cause of the overdose. Provides that the coroner must also communicate whether there was a suspicious level of fentanyl in combination with other controlled substances present to all law enforcement agencies in whose jurisdiction the deceased's body was found in a prompt manner.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Work Without Fear Act. Provides that it is unlawful for any person to engage in, or to direct another person to engage in, immigration-related retaliation against any person or his or her family member or household member for the purpose of, or with the effect of, retaliating against any person for exercising any right protected under State employment laws or by any local employment ordinance. Sets forth the duties and powers of the Department of Labor under the Act. Allows the Attorney General to initiate or intervene in a civil action to obtain appropriate relief if the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that any person has violated the Act. Provides that nothing in the Act shall be construed to prevent any person from making complaint or prosecuting his or her own claim for damages caused by retaliation. Allows a person who is the subject of retaliation prohibited by the Act to bring a civil action for: (1) back pay, with interest, and front pay, or, in lieu of actual damages, liquidated damages of $30,000; (2) a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000; (3) reasonable attorney's fees and court costs; and (4) equitable relief as the court may deem appropriate and just. Provides that a person that violates any provision of the Act shall be subject to an additional civil penalty in an amount of $25,000 for each violation, or $50,000 for each repeat violation within a 5-year period. Sets forth license suspension penalties for violations of the Act. Effective January 1, 2025.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. In provisions regarding county officer stipends in counties of less than 2,000,000 population, provides that, for State fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2024, the State Board of Elections shall remit to each county the amount required for the stipend for the county clerk, the county recorder, and the chief clerk of each county board of election commissioners. Requires the money from the State Board of Elections to be deposited by the county treasurer into a fund dedicated for that purpose, and requires the county payroll clerk to pay the stipend within 10 business days after those funds are deposited into the county fund. Provides that the stipend shall not be considered part of the recipient's base compensation and must be remitted to the recipient in addition to the recipient's annual salary or compensation. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2024, the county shall be responsible for the State and federal income tax reporting and withholding as well as the employer contributions under the Illinois Pension Code on the stipend under the provisions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a State's Attorney may not represent the State in the charging and prosecution of law enforcement officer-involved shootings within the county in which the State's Attorney serves. Provides that the court, on its own motion, shall file a petition alleging that the State's Attorney has an actual conflict of interest in the proceeding and shall appoint a special prosecutor as provided in this Section. Provides that the court shall attempt to appoint a public prosecutor from a public agency, including, but not limited to, the Office of Attorney General, Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor, or another State's Attorney's office throughout the State. Includes provisions about the appointment of the special prosecutor and the special prosecutor's authority and fees.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act. Provides that, in a township in a county with a population equal to or greater than 600,000, a person may not simultaneously hold an elected township office and another local elected office. Makes conforming changes in the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act and Public Officer Simultaneous Tenure Act.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county's full-time public defender must be paid an annual salary that is at least 100% (rather than 90%) of the county State's attorney's annual compensation. Requires the State to pay 100% (rather than 66 2/3%) of the public defender's annual salary. Prohibits a public defender for a county of 30,000 or more inhabitants from engaging in the private practice of law if the public defender is receiving not less than 100% (rather than 90%) of the compensation of the State's attorney of that county. Effective July 1, 2023.

View Details
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, except in a county with a population over 3,000,000, fees for a certified copy of a transcript of sworn testimony of a coroner's inquest made by written request declaring the request is for research or genealogy purposes is $15.00 for the entire transcript. Provides that a request shall be deemed a proper request for purpose of research or genealogy if the requested inquest occurred not less than 20 years prior to the date of the written request. Provides that the transcript shall be stamped with the words "FOR GENEALOGY OR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY." Provides that, except in a county with a population over 3,000,000, a coroner may waive, at his or her discretion, any coroner fees (rather than only the cremation permit fee) if the coroner determines that the person is indigent and unable to pay the permit fee or under other special circumstances as determined by the coroner. Provides that the provisions setting the fee for a certified copy of a transcript or sworn testimony of a coroner's inquest and concerning waiver of coroner fees apply on and after January 1, 2024. Adds language to specify that the changes made by the amendatory Act do not apply retroactively.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Clerks of Courts Act. Removes language providing for the compensation of Clerks of the Circuit Court. Provides instead that the salary of a clerk of the circuit court elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be set as a percentage of the salary of Judges of the Circuit Court and shall be in the following amounts: in counties where the population is less than 14,000, 55%; in counties where the population is 14,001 to 30,000, 60%; in counties where the population is 30,001 to 60,000, 65%; in counties where the population is 60,001 to 100,000, 70%; in counties where the population is is 100,001 to 200,000, 75%; in counties where the population is 200,001 to 300,000, 80%; in counties where the population is 300,001 to 3,000,000, 85%; and in counties where the population is over 3,000,000, 90%. Requires the State to furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a clerk of the circuit court, and the county to furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Provides that if, on the effective date of the amendatory Act, the salary of a clerk is greater than the percentage of the circuit judges salary in the provisions, that circuit clerk's salary shall not be reduced.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes


Amends the Officers and Employees Article of the Counties Code. Decreases the minimum number of inhabitants that must reside in a county for the county to be required to create the office of county auditor from 75,000 inhabitants to 70,000 inhabitants.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. Provides that all questions must be answered on the statement of economic interest. Provides that the Secretary of State shall neither accept a statement of economic interest for filing nor issue a receipt indicating that the statement has been filed unless the statement is verified, dated, and signed by the person making the statement and all questions on the statement are answered. Provides that the county clerk shall neither accept a statement of economic interest for filing nor issue a receipt indicating that a statement has been filed unless the statement is verified, dated, and signed by the person making the statement and all questions on the statement are answered.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. Requires filers of statements of economic interest to disclose the name of any spouse or immediate family member living with such person who is employed by a business organization operating in the cannabis, gaming, insurance, or health care industry and the name of the business organization that employs the relative.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Local Government Chairperson Term Limit Review Act. Provides that, no later than December 31, 2023, and no less than every 2 years thereafter, a governmental unit that is governed by an elected governing body that has not enacted term limits for the board's chairperson by ordinance or resolution shall consider and decide, by verbal or written vote, ordinance, resolution, or referendum of the electors of the governmental unit, whether to impose term limits for the chairperson of the governing body. Defines "governmental unit" as a unit of local government or school district. Provides that, if a governmental unit has a term limit policy for the chairperson of its governing body, before a person may be elected chairperson, the governmental unit's clerk or secretary shall determine which members of the governing body are eligible to serve as chairperson of the governing body based upon the term limit policy. Provides that the clerk or secretary shall submit an eligibility report to the governing body listing those members who are eligible and ineligible before the meeting at which the chairperson is to be elected. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Effective immediately.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Oppose
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the salary (exclusive of any other compensation or benefits) of a clerk or recorder who is elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall not be less than 80% of the salary set for the State's Attorney for the county in which the county clerk or recorder is elected or appointed. Provides that the State shall furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a clerk or recorder, and the county shall furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Makes conforming changes, including removing outdated salary references.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Recorder Division of the Counties Code. Removes a requirement that a recorder be commissioned by the Governor. Provides that the chief deputy recorder (rather than the deputy recorder) shall be the recorder when the elected recorder is in active military service and that the chief deputy recorder shall receive the same compensation as the recorder during this time unless already receiving higher compensation than the recorder. Allows storage of certain information or documents in databases rather than only in books. Removes provisions repealing a Section concerning a mechanics lien demand and referral pilot program that would have otherwise repealed on January 1, 2024. Provides that the recorder may accept facsimile or other photographic or photostatic copies of the signatures of parties executing documents without labeling those signatures as copies if they are digital signatures offered in compliance with federal or State law. In provisions relating to documents received stating that a mortgage or lien is to be filed but not recorded, provides that the document will be marked filed only upon payment of a fee equal to what would be charged if the document were to be recorded. Provides that a recorder may waive the fee for additional copies of certificates of discharge or release from active duty if the recorder deems collecting the fee to be a burden to the county and the fee is waived for all requesting copies of these documents. Removes and repeals provisions relating to the time for opening and closing the recorder's office. Increases the fee for violations relating to recording a map, plat, or subdivision of land to $1,000 (rather than $200). Replaces pronouns with gender-neutral terms. Makes other changes. Effective immediately. Senate Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Restores language requiring a recorder to be commissioned by the Governor. Restores a language repealing provisions on January 1, 2024 relating to mechanics lien demands and a referral pilot program. Provides that a recorder may waive the fee for reasonable requests for additional copies (rather than waive the fee for additional copies) if the recorder deems collecting the fee to be a burden to the county and waives the fee for all such requests. Provides that the recorder shall indorse on an instrument in writing that is recorded in the recorder's office the time when the instrument was accepted for recordation (rather than accepted or received for recordation). Makes other changes. Further amends the Counties Code. Adds nonstandard document predictable fees to the predictable fee schedules for recording deeds and other instruments. Makes changes relating to classification of documents for filing, procedures to increase a predictable fee, and certified and non-certified fees. Repeals the existing provisions regarding predictable fee schedules and nonstandard document fees. Effective January 1, 2024 (rather than immediately).

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Election Code, the Children and Family Services Act, the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act, the Township Code, the Illinois Municipal Code, the Public Library District Act of 1991, the School Code, the Home Medical Equipment and Services Provider License Act, the Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975, the Illinois Gambling Act, the Liquor Control Act of 1934, and the Criminal Code of 2012. Makes changes in these Acts to provisions concerning whether a conviction for certain criminal offenses disqualifies an individual from serving in one of the specified public offices or on one of the specified boards and commissions. Makes conforming changes.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the salary (exclusive of any other compensation or benefits) of a county treasurer who is elected or appointed after the effective date of the amendatory Act in a county shall not be less than 80% of the salary set for the State's Attorney for the county in which the county treasurer is elected or appointed. Provides that the State shall furnish 66 2/3% of the total annual salary to be paid to a county treasurer, and the county shall furnish 33 1/3% of the total annual salary. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the County Executive Form of Government Division of the Counties Code. Provides that county board members shall receive compensation as fixed by the county board in accordance with the method of compensation selected by the county board. Provides that the compensation shall be set before the general election at which county board members are elected. Allows the county board chair to receive a larger salary than other county board members upon approval of the county board. Provides that county board members and the county board chair may receive, as approved by the county board, travel and expense allowances and stipends.

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Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the State's Attorney and Peace Officer Privacy Act. Provides that government agencies shall not publicly post or display publicly available content that includes the personal information of a State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer if the government agency has received a written request in accordance with the Act that it refrain from disclosing the personal information of a State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer. Provides that if a government agency fails to comply with a written request to refrain from disclosing personal information, the State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer may bring an action seeking injunctive or declaratory relief in any court of competent jurisdiction. Provides that it is unlawful for any person to knowingly publicly post on the Internet the personal information of a State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer or of the immediate family of a State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer if the person knows or reasonably should know that publicly posting the personal information poses an imminent and serious threat to the health and safety of the State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer or the immediate family of the State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer, and the violation is a proximate cause of bodily injury or death of the State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer or the immediate family of the State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, or peace officer. Provides that a person who violates this provision is guilty of a Class 3 felony. Provides exemptions. Defines terms. Effective immediately.

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Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?