Amends the Illinois Underground Utility Facilities Damage Prevention Act. Removes references to the State-Wide One-Call Notice System and replaces it with JULIE, Inc. Sets forth additional definitions. Provides that owners or operators of underground utility facilities are required to be members of JULIE. Sets forth requirements for excavators engaging in nonemergency excavation or demolition. Sets forth notice requirements prior to engaging in the excavation or demolition. Provides that underground utility facility owners or operators may request to be present when excavation occurs when there is a critical facility within a proposed excavation area and excavators shall comply with a request to be present during excavation. Creates the positive response system to be implemented by January 1, 2026. Provides that excavators and facility owners or operators shall use the positive response system to send and respond to required notices. Sets forth required response times in various circumstances. Provides that facility owners or operators shall respond to a valid planning design request and the requirements for the response. Provides for joint meet notifications and sets forth responsibilities of excavators and facility owners or operators for a joint meet. Provides that any county or the State that has shared geographic information system data with any other not-for-profit or agency shall share the information with JULIE. Sets forth requirements for emergency excavation or demolition circumstances. Sets forth liability for damage or dislocation of a facility.

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