Amends the Counties Code and the Fire Protection District Act. Provides that Clark County may, by ordinance, agree to provide emergency ambulance service to any portion of Marshall Fire Protection District that the county is already providing emergency ambulance service through an intergovernmental agreement if the ordinance contains an affirmative obligation on the part of the county to provide emergency ambulance service to Marshall Fire Protection District once the intergovernmental agreement in effect at the time of the ordinance expires. Provides that the ordinance does not take effect until after Marshall Fire Protection District adopts a resolution to discontinue the emergency ambulance service and the intergovernmental agreement for emergency ambulance service between Clark County and Marshall Fire Protection District has ended. Provides that, upon certification to the county clerk by both Clark County and Marshall Fire Protection District that all criteria have been met under the provisions, the rate for emergency ambulance service for the area once serviced under Marshall Fire Protection District for emergency ambulance service shall be the rate the county levies under specified provisions. Provides that, if Marshall Fire Protection District elects to no longer provide emergency ambulance service under the provisions, the election shall not be construed as affecting the District's authority to levy a tax and provide fire protection service under the Fire Protection District Act. Effective immediately.

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