Amends the Community Emergency Services and Support Act. Provides that the EMS Medical Directors Committee or a chair appointed in agreement of the Division of Mental Health of the Department of Human Services and the EMS Medical Directors Committee (rather than the EMS Medical Directors Committee) is responsible for convening the meetings of a Regional Advisory Committee. Includes qualifications for the appointed chair. Provides that each Regional Advisory Committee and subregional committee established by the Regional Advisory Committee (rather than each Regional Advisory Committee) is responsible for designing the local protocols to allow its region's or subregion's 9-1-1 call centers (rather than its region's 9-1-1 call center) and emergency responders to coordinate their activities with 9-8-8 as required by the Act and for monitoring current operation to advise on ongoing adjustments to the local protocols. Designates the membership, meetings, and duties of a subregional committee. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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