Amends the Eminent Domain Act. Provides that quick-take powers may be used for a period of no more than 2 years after the effective date of the amendatory Act by Will County for the acquisition of certain described property for the purpose of road construction. Repeals the new provisions 3 years after the effective date. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that, whenever a person fails to appear in court and the court continues the case, if the clerk of the court elects to establish a system to send text, email, and telephone notifications, the clerk of the court may send notifications to an email address, may send a text message to the person's last known cellular telephone number, and if the person does not have a cellular telephone number, may reach the person at the person's last known landline telephone number regarding the continued court date. Provides that if the person does not (i) appear in court on or before the continued court date, (ii) satisfy the charge without a court appearance if allowed by Illinois Supreme Court Rule, or (iii) satisfy the court that the person's appearance in and surrender to the court is impossible for no fault of the person, the court shall enter an ex parte judgment of conviction imposing a single assessment, plus the minimum fine allowed by statute. Provides that the changes made to the Illinois Vehicle Code apply to each individual whose license was suspended under the provision between January 1, 2020, and the effective date of the amendatory Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Regulation of Intercity Buses Act. Includes provisions on legislative purpose. Defines terms. Includes requirements for intercity bus service, including landing zones, requirements for designated days and hours for loading or unloading passengers, and other requirements for loading and unloading passengers. Specifies penalties for violations of the Act. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Provides that the corporate authorities of a non-home rule county or municipality may adopt ordinances to regulate the operations of intercity buses pertaining to the loading and unloading of passengers in a manner more restrictive than the regulation under this Act. Specifies examples of regulations that may be adopted. Includes restrictions on non-home rule county and municipal regulation of unscheduled intercity buses the designated days and hours during which intercity buses may load or unload passengers. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. In provisions regarding administrative fees and procedures for impounding vehicles for specified violations, provides that an ordinance establishing procedures for the release of properly impounded vehicles may impose fees for operation or use of a motor vehicle in violation of the Regulation of Intercity Buses Act. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a municipality or unit of local government may erect and maintain a specialized traffic control device at an intersection where an emergency response vehicle enters the roadway or within 1,000 feet from a structure where such vehicles are stored. Allows the specialized traffic control device to be controlled by the emergency response unit or fire station as the emergency response vehicle enters or exits traffic.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the superintendent of public works does not need to be a registered professional engineer as long as other qualifications are met and a professional engineer is employed by the department. This is a Lake County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the amount transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Illinois State Police shall implement a mental health support program for law enforcement officers who are suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. Provides that the program shall consist of guidelines for personalized care, physical exercise including yoga and aerobic exercises, improvement of posture, group therapy standards, improving flexibility, and restoring confidence, and guidelines to maintain confidentiality of information concerning officers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and prevent that information from being included in the officer's personnel file.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Defines "emotionally disturbed person" and "special event". Deletes "data" from the definition of "information". Provides that "information" does not mean information gathered under circumstances in which the drone is used over publicly owned property or private property with permission for the purpose of training peace officers, public relations, or conducting infrastructure inspections, or for other similar non-law enforcement purposes. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is assisting an emotionally disturbed person and is not also undertaking a criminal investigation. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency at a special event to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement; assess public safety staffing; or monitor the safety of the participants. Provides that, if the special event is occurring on private property, use of a drone shall be authorized by the owners or organizers prior to flight. Provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service, when the primary purpose for the response is to locate or assist victims, or both, identify offenders, or guide emergency response. Provides that information gathered by a drone is subject to the disclosure and exception to disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Makes other changes. Amends the Freedom of Information Act to exempt from disclosure information that is prohibited from disclosure under the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that grants shall not restrict the amount of money used to pay for fringe benefits. Provides that grants shall not restrict administrative costs to less than 20% of the grant award. Defines "fringe benefits".

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

HB1364 - 9-8-8 TASK FORCE

Creates the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force Act. Provides that the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force shall be composed of 12 appointed members and the State's Chief Behavioral Health Officer, or the Officer's representative. Provides that the 2 Task Force co-chairs shall appoint experts to contribute and participate in the Task Force as nonvoting members. Provides for meetings of the Task Force and responsibilities relating to examination of the first year of implementation and use of the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in Illinois. Requires the development of an action plan with specified recommendations to be filed with the Governor and General Assembly by December 31, 2023. Includes legislative findings. Repeals the Act on January 1, 2025. Effective immediately. House Amendment 1: Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Changes the short title of the Act to the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Workgroup Act. Provides that the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, shall convene a working group that includes members of the General Assembly, representatives of State agencies, the State's Chief Behavioral Health Officer, the Director of the Children's Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative, service providers from the regional and statewide 9-8-8 call centers, representatives of organizations that represent people with mental health conditions or substance use disorders and that operate an Illinois social services helpline or crisis line other than 9-8-8, including veterans' crisis services, more than one individual with personal or family lived experience of a mental health condition or substance use disorder, experts in research and operational evaluation, and any other person or persons as determined by the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health. Requires the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, to submit a report to the General Assembly regarding the Workgroup's findings related to the 9-8-8 call system. Modifies the Workgroup's responsibilities, including removing requirements to review the recommendations and decisions of previous State-led workgroups on transforming the mental health crisis response system and that the action plan must include a plan to sustainably fund a statewide 9-8-8 call center network in fiscal year 2025 and beyond. Effective immediately. House Amendment 1: Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Changes the short title of the Act to the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Workgroup Act. Provides that the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, shall convene a working group that includes members of the General Assembly, representatives of State agencies, the State's Chief Behavioral Health Officer, the Director of the Children's Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative, service providers from the regional and statewide 9-8-8 call centers, representatives of organizations that represent people with mental health conditions or substance use disorders and that operate an Illinois social services helpline or crisis line other than 9-8-8, including veterans' crisis services, more than one individual with personal or family lived experience of a mental health condition or substance use disorder, experts in research and operational evaluation, and any other person or persons as determined by the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health. Requires the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, to submit a report to the General Assembly regarding the Workgroup's findings related to the 9-8-8 call system. Modifies the Workgroup's responsibilities, including removing requirements to review the recommendations and decisions of previous State-led workgroups on transforming the mental health crisis response system and that the action plan must include a plan to sustainably fund a statewide 9-8-8 call center network in fiscal year 2025 and beyond. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Interest Attorney Assistance Act. Provides that if a participant in the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program has been an assistant Public Defender for at least 6 years in an office of an Illinois Public Defender, other than the Office of the Cook County Public Defender, and the participant graduated from a law school in this State, then the maximum amount of loan repayment assistance during the participant's career shall be equal to the full tuition cost charged the participant while attending that law school or $30,000, whichever is greater (rather than a maximum of $30,000 for any program participant). House Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. In provisions concerning the advisory committee for the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program, provides that one person from the Illinois Public Defender Association (instead of one person from an office of an Illinois Public Defender) shall be on the advisory committee. Provides that if a participant in the Public Interest Attorney Loan Repayment Assistance Program has been an assistant Public Defender for at least 4 years in one or more offices of an Illinois Public Defender (instead of for at least 6 years in an office of an Illinois Public Defender, other than the Office of the Cook County Public Defender), then the maximum amount of loan repayment assistance shall be equal to the full tuition cost charged the participant while attending law school or $30,000, whichever is greater.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Public Empowerment and Community Act and provides that the Act may be referred to as the PEACE Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to establish and administer the PEACE Grant Pilot Program, subject to appropriation. Requires the Department to award annual grants to eligible grantees to create and strengthen community-based alternatives to law enforcement to lessen the reliance on law enforcement agencies as first responders to crisis situations unrelated to fire department or emergency medical service response. Provides that each grantee shall receive a minimum award of $250,000 per year and that the community-based alternatives may include, but are not limited to, mobile crisis response teams or community paramedicine programs. Requires the Department to prioritize grantees that propose interventions that serve historically marginalized populations and that serve communities with a demonstrated need for community-based alternatives to law enforcement. Contains provisions on grantee requirements and reports; a stakeholder workgroup; a public report by the Department; the Public Empowerment and Community Engagement Program Fund; and other matters. Provides that the Act is repealed on December 31, 2028. Amends the State Finance Act to include the Public Empowerment and Community Engagement Program Fund as a special fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person also obstructs justice when, with intent to prevent the apprehension or obstruct the prosecution or defense of any person, he or she knowingly takes a body camera or any part of a body camera from a person known to be a peace officer. Provides that a violation, if the body camera or any part of the body camera is taken from the peace officer during the commission of an offense that has caused great bodily harm to the officer or another person, is a Class 1 felony. Provides that any other violation of this provision is a Class 2 felony.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Modifies the conditions by which an open or closed meeting may be conducted by audio or video conference without the physical presence of a quorum of the members. Provides that a meeting may be held without the physical presence of a quorum of the members if, among other requirements, the chief elected or appointed official of the public body determines that an in-person meeting would pose a risk to the health or safety of members of the public body or the public and that conducting a meeting by an audio or video conference is in the best interests of the public body or the public and public notice of that meeting states the reason or reasons for such determination. Provides that such a determination by the chief elected or appointed official of the public body shall be required for any subsidiary body of the public body to conduct an open or closed meeting by audio or video conference. Specifies further requirements concerning notice and public comment. Makes conforming and other changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Finance Act, the Motor Fuel Tax Law, the Emergency Telephone System Act, the Riverboat Gambling Act, and the Video Gaming Act. Provides that, in the absence of an appropriation for any State fiscal year, moneys that are required to be distributed to units of local government and other entities from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, the State Gaming Fund, the Local Government Video Gaming Distributive Fund, and the Statewide 9-1-1 Fund are subject to a continuing appropriation. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act. Provides that an authority may charge an application fee in an amount up to the authority's full and reasonable approximation of costs to review and process an application to collocate one or more wireless facilities on existing utility poles or wireless support structures. Currently, an authority may charge $650 for an application to collocate a single small wireless facility on an existing utility pole or wireless support structure and up to $350 for each small wireless facility addressed in an application to collocate more than one small wireless facility on existing utility poles or wireless support structures.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act. Provides that an authority may charge an application fee of up to $750 (rather than $650) for an application to collocate a single small wireless facility on an existing utility pole or wireless support structure and up to $400 (rather than $350) for each small wireless facility addressed in an application to collocate more than one small wireless facility on existing utility poles or wireless support structures.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $80,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board for deposit into the Law Enforcement Camera Grant Fund to assist units of local government in Illinois with full compliance with the mandates of the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act. Contains provisions on legislative findings. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Provides that an injury arises out of and in the course of employment only if the accident significantly caused or contributed to both the resulting condition and the disability. Provides that an injury does not arise out of and in the course of employment if (1) the hazard or risk was not incidental to employment and was a hazard or risk to which the general public is also exposed, (2) the injury did not occur at a time and place and under circumstances reasonably required by the employment, or (3) the disability resulted from a personal risk. Limits conditions under which repetitive or cumulative trauma is compensable. Provides that gradual deterioration or progressive degeneration of the body caused by aging is not compensable as repetitive or cumulative trauma. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act concerning injuries sustained by employees during travel. Provides that accidental injuries sustained while traveling to or from work do not arise out of and in the course of employment, except under specified circumstances. Provides that the injury may arise out of and in the course of employment if, at the time of the injury, the employee was performing acts the employer instructed the employee to perform, acts that the employee had a common law or statutory duty to perform while performing duties for his or her employer, or acts that the employee might be reasonably expected to perform incident to his or her assigned duties. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Provides that the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission, upon consultation with the Workers' Compensation Medical Fee Advisory Board, shall adopt an evidence-based drug formulary. Requires prescriptions in workers' compensation cases to be limited to the drugs on the formulary. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Makes changes to the compensation periods for accidental injuries resulting in the loss of or the permanent and complete loss of use of the thumb, fingers, or toes; the amputation of an arm, foot, or leg; the enucleation of an eye; and other injuries to reduce the compensation to the amounts in effect for injuries occurring before February 1, 2006. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Makes existing medical fee schedules inoperative after August 31, 2024. Provides that the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission shall establish new medical fee schedules applicable on and after September 1, 2024 in accordance with specified criteria. Provides for 4 non-hospital fee schedules and 14 hospital fee schedules applicable to different geographic areas of the State. Sets forth a procedure for petitioning the Commission if a maximum fee causes a significant limitation on access to quality health care in either a specific field of health care services or a specific geographic limitation on access to health care. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Provides that, for purposes of awarding compensation for injuries, an injury to the shoulder shall be considered an injury to a part of the arm and an injury to the hip shall be considered an injury to a part of the leg. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Provides that, in computing the compensation to be paid to an employee who, before the accident for which the employee claims compensation, had before that time sustained an injury resulting in a permanency award or settlement, the award or settlement shall be deducted from any award made for the subsequent injury. Provides that, if an employee received an award or settlement for a shoulder injury between 2012 and the effective date of the amendatory Act, then the award or settlement shall be converted to the appropriate number of weeks for an arm and the credit taken against any award or settlement shall be taken on the arm. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for a grant to the Lake County State's Attorney's Office for a violence interrupter program, including administrative costs. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the county boards of Kankakee County and Tazewell County (currently, Kane County, Kendall County, and Will County) may also, by ordinance, impose a judicial facilities fee to be used for the building of new judicial facilities. Effective immediately. This is a Tazewell County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Innovation and Technology Act. Requires the Department of Innovation and Technology to develop, manage, and make available to any law enforcement agency a digital repository for the collection, storage, retention, and retrieval of any officer-worn body camera recording collected by such an agency under the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act. Requires recordings retained in the repository to be managed in a manner that is not inconsistent with the minimum requirements set forth in a specified provision of the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act. Amends the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act. Authorizes a law enforcement agency to use the digital repository developed by the Department of Innovation and Technology for the collection, storage, retention, and retrieval of officer-worn body camera recordings. Provides that, if a law enforcement agency uses the digital repository developed by the Department of Innovation and Technology and if an encounter on such a recording is flagged, then the law enforcement agency must notify the Department in writing that the encounter has been flagged not less than 10 days before the expiration of the 90-day storage period. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county with a population of less than 1,000,000 may establish minimum requirements for new building design and construction to lessen the risks caused by new building design and construction to wildlife and sensitive habitats. Effective immediately. This is a Lake County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the General Provisions Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that none of the benefits provided for in the Code shall be paid to any person who first becomes a member or participant under any Article of the Code on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act and is convicted of a disqualifying offense. Provides that with respect to benefits attributable to a member or participant who first becomes a member or participant on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act, none of the benefits provided for in the Code shall be paid to any person who otherwise would receive a survivor benefit who is convicted of a disqualifying offense. Specifies that the provisions are an additional cause for forfeiture of benefits under the Code and does not limit the causes for forfeiting pension benefits in any Article of the Code. Defines "disqualifying offense". Makes other changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a contract in excess of $30,000 may be let without advertising for bids in the case of the expedited replacement of a disabled, inoperable, or damaged patrol vehicle of the sheriff's department if authorized by the county board in a county with fewer than 2,000,000 inhabitants. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Access to Public Health Data Act. Provides that the Department of Public Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Children and Family Services shall, at the request of a local health department in Illinois, make any and all public health data related to residents of that local health department's jurisdiction available to that local health department for the purposes of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability. Provides that the Department of Public Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services may adopt any rules necessary to implement the Act. Exempts specified information from inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information Act and makes a conforming change in that Act. Contains other provisions. Amends the Vital Records Act. Provides that no rule adopted by the Department of Public Health shall be construed as restricting access to vital records by any municipality, county, multicounty, public health district, or regional health officer recognized by the Department for the purposes described in specified provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that statutory provisions concerning residency requirements for highway commissioners also apply to clerks. Deletes language providing that a board of trustees may contract with a neighboring township to provide highway commissioner or clerk services if the township has a population of less than 500. House Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that statutory provisions concerning residency requirements for highway commissioners also apply to clerks. Provides that a board of trustees may contract with a neighboring township to provide highway commissioner or clerk services if the township has a population of less than 1,000 (rather than less than 500). Provides that a board of trustees in a county not under township organization that is organized as a commission form of government may (i) appoint a non-resident or a resident who has not resided in the district for one year to be a highway commissioner, or (ii) contact with a neighboring township to provide highway commissioner or clerk services if no qualified candidate who has resided in the road district for at least one year is willing to serve as highway commissioner or clerk. House Amendment 2: Provides that a board of trustees in a county organized under the Counties Code may contract (rather than contact) with a neighboring township to provide highway commission or clerk services if no qualified candidate who has resided in the road district for a least one year is willing to serve as highway commissioner or clerk.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Funds Investment Act. Provides that any public agency may invest any public funds, in addition to other investments, in pooled life settlement policies in which each of the underlying insurance policies have no greater than 60-day liquidity and are issued by insurance companies of A-grade investment quality. Provides further requirements concerning the investment of public funds in specified pooled life settlement policies.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Provides that the following amounts shall be deposited into the Local Government Distributive Fund as the revenue is realized from the specified taxes: (i) 8% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed under the Act upon individuals, trusts, and estates; (ii) 8% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed by the Act upon electing pass-through entities; and (iii) 9.11% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed by the Act upon corporations. Amends the State Revenue Sharing Act to provide that amounts paid into the Local Government Distributive Fund are appropriated on a continuing basis. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Paint Stewardship Act. Contains the findings of the General Assembly. Provides that manufacturers of architectural paint sold at retail in the State or representative organizations shall submit to the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency a plan for the establishment of a postconsumer paint stewardship program. Requires the program to meet specified requirements. Provides that manufacturers or retailers shall not sell or offer for sale architectural paint to any person in the State unless the manufacturer of a paint brand or representative organization is implementing an approved paint stewardship plan. Prohibits the incineration of leftover architectural paint collected pursuant to an approved paint stewardship plan. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations shall submit reports with specified requirements. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations participating in a postconsumer paint stewardship program shall not be liable for any claim of a violation of antitrust, restraint of trade, unfair trade practice, or other anticompetitive conduct arising from conduct undertaken in accordance with the program. Provides for administrative and oversight fees to be paid to the Agency. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations shall implement the postconsumer paint collection plan within 6 months of the date that the program plan is approved. Contains provisions regarding postconsumer paint from households and small businesses. Contains other provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that in a county having a population of 3,000,000 or more, the county sheriff shall establish with other law enforcement agencies a vehicle theft hotline to facilitate the location of stolen vehicles via their installed existing global positioning systems, collaborate with vehicle manufacturers and dealers to provide information and assistance to law enforcement officers in the investigation of vehicle theft, and ensure that consumers are provided with information concerning the hotline and any new or used vehicle manufactured with a global positioning system by publishing the information in a conspicuous location on the county sheriff's website. Provides that the manufacturer of any vehicle sold in this State shall establish a hotline available to State, county, and local law enforcement agencies exclusively for the purposes of law enforcement information sharing and the electronic tracking of vehicles stolen in vehicular hijacking incidents or that have been used in the commission of kidnapping, aggravated battery with a firearm, attempted homicide, or homicide. Provides that the manufacturer's hotline shall relay vehicle location information, including real-time vehicle location information whenever possible, to the 9-1-1 call center or designated dispatch center for the responding agency, to the best of the manufacturer's technical capability. Requires State, county, and local law enforcement agencies to use their respective 9-1-1 system call centers or designated dispatch centers for the purpose of verification of law enforcement officers' identities and bona fide incident report numbers related to incidents. Requires manufacturers to prepare written statements detailing tracking and disabling system capabilities and make them available to State, county, and local law enforcement agencies upon request. Requires that, if a vehicle is not subscribed to the manufacturer's tracking service, the manufacturer of any vehicle sold in this State shall waive all fees associated with initiating, renewing, reestablishing, or maintaining the location, disabling, or alert service with which the vehicle is equipped during a law enforcement response or investigation of specified offenses. House Amendment 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes: Provides that the county sheriff shall collaborate with vehicle manufacturers, dealers, and vehicle location vendors to provide information and assistance to law enforcement officers in the investigation of a vehicular hijacking or kidnapping incident and ensure that consumers are provided with information concerning the hotline, new or used vehicles manufactured with stolen vehicle locator capabilities, and how consumers can activate stolen vehicle locator services by publishing the information in a conspicuous location on the county sheriff's website. Provides that, if a vehicle is equipped with functioning vehicle location tracking capability, but the capability is not currently activated, the manufacturer or the vehicle location vendor, shall waive all fees associated with initiating, renewing, reestablishing, or maintaining the vehicle location service the vehicle is equipped with during the investigation of the vehicle being stolen in a vehicular hijacking incident or being used in the commission of kidnapping incident when law enforcement has confirmed that the situation involves a clear and present danger of death or great bodily harm to persons and requires disclosure of vehicle location information without delay. Provides that there shall be no cause of action or liability under the laws of this State for a vehicle manufacturer, its subsidiaries, or vendors, or any employee, officer, director, representatives, or contractor of the manufacturer, subsidiary, or vendor, that provides, or in good faith attempts to provide, information or assistance to a law enforcement agency, 9-1-1 call center, or designated dispatch center.

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Mandate? Yes
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Early Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to implement a 2-year pilot program to provide FDA-approved 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray kits to licensed community substance use providers and public health departments in Cook County, DuPage County, Winnebago County, Sangamon County, and St. Clair County. Requires the Department to implement a data collection program to determine the number of 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray kits administered by emergency medical service providers and bystanders per overdose incident during the 2-year term of the pilot program. Provides that the data collected must also include the number of overdose reversals and deaths following the administration of the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray. Requires the Department to prepare a report on the results of the 2-year pilot program and submit the report to the General Assembly by July 1, 2026. Effective January 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the fee for a coroner's or medical examiner's permit to cremate a human body is $100 (rather than $50). Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that a local government may submit a request to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit to be exempt from certain audit requirements if the local government is unable to meet the audit requirements due to circumstances beyond the local government's control, including, but not limited to, a natural disaster in which financial records of the local government are destroyed or alleged employee misconduct involving the destruction or withholding of financial records. Effective immediately. House Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill. Provides that the 3-member panel referenced in the introduced bill shall be a 5-member panel. Provides that members of the panel shall be appointed by the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Senate Minority Leader, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the House Minority Leader. Provides that members of the panel shall serve for 4-year terms, except that members initially appointed shall have staggered terms. Provides that each member of the panel must have auditing or accounting experience. Provides that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall provide administrative support to the panel. Provides that members of the panel shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses associated with their service on the panel. Provides that, if a majority of the members of the panel who are voting on the issue vote to approve the local government's request, then the request shall be approved; otherwise, the request shall be denied. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Provides that for purposes of computing compensation for an employee who had a prior compensated injury to the spine, the prior compensation shall be deducted from compensation awarded for a subsequent injury to the same part of the spine. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. In the General Provisions Article, provides that beginning on January 1, 2024, the annual earnings, salary, or wages of a Tier 2 participant under the Cook County Article shall track with the Social Security wage base (rather than shall not exceed $106,800, adjusted annually). Makes conforming changes in the Cook County Article and provides that the county's contribution shall be paid through a tax levy and any other lawfully available funds. Further amends the Cook County Article. In a provision concerning establishing credit for military service, deletes a restrictive date and a requirement that the person must have at least 25 years of service credit. Requires the retirement board to retain an actuary who is a member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries to produce an annual actuarial report of the Fund and provides criteria for the report. Makes changes concerning the minimum required employer contribution. Provides that the annual audit required of the Fund may include the preparation of the annual actuarial report. Provides that the annual report submitted to the county board shall include the annual actuarial report. Requires that the minimum required employer contribution shall be submitted annually by the county and provides the method of determining the minimum required employer contribution. Provides that the county shall be notified by June 14 of each year of the proposed costs of any such payments allocated by the Fund for all or any portion of the total health premium paid by the Fund. Makes other changes. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Deletes language providing that, to the extent that records or documents produced by a public body contain information that is claimed to be exempt from disclosure, the Public Access Counselor shall not further disclose that information. Provides instead that records or documents obtained by the Public Access Counselor from a public body for the purpose of addressing a request for review may not be disclosed to the public, including the requester, by the Public Access Counselor. Provides that such records, while in the possession of the Public Access Counselor, are exempt under the Act from disclosure by the Public Access Counselor.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Low-Income Broadband Assistance Program Act. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to establish a Low-Income Broadband Assistance Program to ensure the availability and affordability of broadband service to low-income families. Provides that the Department shall coordinate with local administrative agencies identified by the Department to determine eligibility for the program, provided that eligible income shall be no more than 150% of the federal poverty level. Provides that families whose annual household income is at or below 135% of the federal poverty level shall be eligible for free broadband service. Provides that a credit of at least $9.95 a month for broadband services shall be payable monthly to: (i) families whose annual household income is greater than 135% but less than 150% of the federal poverty level; and (ii) families that include at least one adult person or dependent child who qualifies for or participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Supplemental Security Income program, Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefits Programs, or other specified assistance programs. Provides that the $9.95 broadband service credit may be adjusted according to family size. Provides that families who participate in the federal Lifeline program or any other State Internet service subsidy program shall not be eligible to participate in the Low-Income Broadband Assistance Program. Grants rulemaking powers to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that local authorities with respect to highways under their jurisdiction may also, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit the operation of trucks or other commercial vehicles, or may impose limitations as the weight, height, or length (rather than only weight) thereof, which prohibitions and limitations shall be marked by appropriate signs placed on such highways. Establishes that an agency or instrumentality of the State of Illinois or any unit of local government shall not be required to widen or otherwise alter a non-designated highway (regardless of its date of construction) to accommodate truck-tractor-semitrailer combinations. Provides that each unit of local government may (rather than shall) report to the Department of Transportation any limitations prohibiting the operation of vehicles imposed by ordinance or resolution in the unit of local government's non-designated highway system. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the Opiate Antagonist Bulk Purchase Fund. Provides that the Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides that the Fund shall be used by the Department of Public Health for bulk purchasing of opiate antagonists. Provides that the Fund may receive gifts, grants, bequests, donations, and moneys from any other source, public or private. Grants the Department of Public Health rulemaking powers. Effective immediately. House Amendment 3 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with changes. Grants the Department of Human Services (rather than the Department of Public Health) the power to use moneys in the Opioid Antagonist Bulk Purchase Fund and to adopt rules necessary to administer the Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Provides that specified amounts are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to specified units of local government for non-competitively awarded grants to community-based organizations that address violence prevention using a culturally competent approach and that are capable of decreasing violence in the specified representative districts. Provides for the types of prevention, services, and programs the grants shall support. Effective July 1, 202 3 .

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Eliminates the repeal date of the statute creating the First Time Weapon Offender Program. Effective immediately. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Changes the definition of "recurrent requester" to mean a person who, in the 12 months immediately preceding the request, has submitted to the same public body (i) a minimum of 40 (instead of 50) requests for records, (ii) a minimum of 10 (instead of 15) requests for records within a 30-day period, or (iii) a minimum of 5 (instead of 7) requests for records within a 7-day period. Requires a public body to either comply with or deny a request for public records, or to invoke its right to an extension of the deadline to produce the records, within 15 (instead of 5) business days after its receipt of the request. Extends the deadline to respond to a request made for a commercial purpose from 21 to 30 days. Exempts from disclosure records related to the location or operation of an automated license plate recognition system and records containing data generated or stored by those systems.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that an election authority establishing a vote center (where a voter in its jurisdiction is allowed to vote on election day regardless of the precinct in which they are registered) under the Section shall identify the location, hours of operation, and any health and safety requirements by the 40th day preceding an election (rather than the 2022 general primary election and the 2022 general election) and certify such to the State Board of Elections. Removes a repeal date of July 1, 2023 for the vote center provisions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that violations of local government speed restriction laws in which the driver is alleged to have operated the motor vehicle at a speed that is 15 miles per hour or less above the posted limit may be heard in an administrative adjudication system if the municipality or county permits the hearing by ordinance. Makes corresponding changes. Amends the Counties Code and Illinois Municipal Code to make corresponding changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the General Assembly shall annually appropriate to the Department of Transportation $60,000,000 (instead of $15,000,000) for apportionment to counties for the use of road districts for the construction of bridges 20 feet or more in length. Provides that funds that are not obligated within 72 (instead of 48) months shall revert to the Road Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Eminent Domain Act. Provides that quick-take proceedings may be used for a period of one year after the effective date of the amendatory Act by: Menard County for the acquisition of certain described property for the purpose of reconstructing the Athens Blacktop corridor; and McHenry County for the acquisition of certain described property for the purpose of the Randall Road Corridor Improvement Project. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Substance Use Disorder Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to establish a Behavioral Health Receiving Center Grant Pilot Program to award a grant to one or more counties to develop and implement a behavioral health receiving center. Requires the Department to issue a request for proposals no later than July 1, 2023 and to award all grants before December 31, 2023. Prohibits the use of the grant to purchase land for the behavioral health receiving center. Provides that the purpose of the behavioral health receiving center project is to increase access to mental health crisis services for individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis; and to reduce the number of individuals who are incarcerated or in a hospital emergency room while experiencing a mental health crisis. Requires a grant application to contain certain information including the population to which the behavioral health receiving center will serve, the type of mental health services that will be provided, and the cost of the proposed project. Requires the Department to report to certain House and Senate committees before June 30, 2024 regarding each county awarded a grant and the details of each project. Requires the Department to report to the committees before June 30, 2026 regarding certain data and recommendations for the future use of mental health crisis services in behavioral health receiving centers. Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to apply, no later than July 1, 2023, for a federal waiver or Title XIX State Plan amendment to provide reimbursement through a bundled daily rate for crisis management services that are delivered to an individual during the individual's stay at a behavioral health receiving center. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Creates the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness (Office) within the Department of Human Services to facilitate the implementation of a strategic plan and initiatives aimed at decreasing homelessness and unnecessary institutionalization in Illinois, improving health and human services outcomes for people who experience homelessness, and strengthening the safety nets that contribute to housing stability. Provides that the Office shall be led by the State Homelessness Chief Officer who shall report to the Secretary of the Department. Provides that the Chief Officer shall also chair the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness, co-chair the Community Advisory Council on Homelessness, and lead the State's comprehensive efforts related to homelessness prevention. Creates the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness within the Department of Human Services to facilitate and implement initiatives related to decreasing homelessness and unnecessary institutionalization in this State, improving health and human services outcomes for people who experience homelessness, and strengthening the safety nets that contribute to housing stability. Sets forth the Task Force's specific duties. Requires the Task Force to submit annual reports to the Governor and General Assembly regarding the Task Force's work during the year prior, any new recommendations developed by the Task Force, any recommendations made by the Community Advisory Council on Homelessness, and any key outcomes and measures related to homelessness. Contains provisions concerning Task Force membership; Task Force meetings; Task Force subcommittees; administrative support to the Task Force; and other matters. Creates the Community Advisory Council on Homelessness (Advisory Council) within the Department of Human Services to make recommendations to the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness regarding homelessness and unnecessary institutionalization with the goals of achieving functional zero homelessness, improving health and human services outcomes for people experiencing homelessness and strengthening the safety nets that contribute to housing stability. Contains provisions concerning Advisory Council membership; Advisory Council meetings; administrative support to the Advisory Council; and other matters. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Authorizes election authorities to conduct risk-limiting audits before and after the certification of election results. Provides that the determination to conduct a risk-limiting audit, the scope of an audit, and the uses of the results of an audit are entirely within the discretion of the election authority. Requires the State Board of Elections to adopt rules for the creation of a certification process for certifying that the procedure to be used by an election authority comports with the specified requirements. Provides for waiver of the certification process. Defines "risk-limiting audit". Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. Provides that, beginning with the 2023-2024 academic year, the Department of Human Services shall establish and administer the Behavioral Health Scholarship Program for the purpose of incentivizing students to pursue degrees in a behavioral health discipline. Provides that the Department shall award financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to cover the cost of tuition, university fees, and books each year for a maximum of 4 years at a participating university if the applicant meets certain conditions. Sets forth rules, regulations, and other requirements for the Program. Provides that the Department shall establish the Employment Funding Grant Program to provide grants to qualified individuals who work for a community not-for-profit behavioral health agency or a federally qualified health center. Defines who is a qualified individual. Sets forth rules, regulations, and other requirements for the Program. Amends the State Finance Act to create the Behavioral Health Education Program Fund. Makes other changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Probation and Probation Officers Act. Provides that the Division of Probation Services shall reimburse the county or counties for 100% of the salary for all probation officer and supervisor positions approved for reimbursement by the division to meet pretrial services programs and specialty court programs. Provides that for the remaining probation officer positions engaged in basic services and new or expanded services approved of the total statewide number as of July 1, 2021, beginning on July 1, 2024, 20% of that number shall be transferred to those requiring 100% salary reimbursement. Each subsequent July 1, another 20% of the July 1, 2021 population shall also be transferred under described circumstances.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Packaging and Paper Products Stewardship Act. Provides that a producer responsibility organization shall be established to carry out the Act's provisions. Tasks the Environmental Protection Agency with providing administrative support under the Act. Establishes the Packaging and Paper Product Producer Responsibility Advisory Council to provide advice and recommendations in the drafting, amendment, or approval of program plans and to oversee and provide recommendations for the implementation of program plans. Requires producers, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, to adopt and publish a list of minimum types of readily recyclable materials based on available collection and processing infrastructure and recycling markets for covered materials. Tasks the Prairie Research Institute with conducting a study and preparing a statewide needs assessment to assess recycling and covered materials management needs in the State. Provides that, no later than January 1, 2026, producers shall submit a producer responsibility program plan for the Agency's approval. Requires producers to establish waste prevention and reuse programs and composting infrastructure and education programs. Permits the development and operation of an alternative collection program to collect and manage a type or types of covered materials sold, offered for sale, distributed, or served to consumers in the State that are not on the minimum recyclable materials list. Requires producers to submit annual reports to the Agency. Allows postconsumer recycled content requirements in specific products to be waived by the Agency if specified requirements are met. Contains provisions concerning a plastics recycling technologies study, outreach and education, penalties for violations, severability, and other provisions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Changes all references in the General Provisions Article and the Abused, Neglected or Dependent Minors Article of the Act from "reasonable efforts" to "active efforts". Defines "active efforts" as efforts that are affirmative, active, thorough, timely and intended to maintain or reunite a child with the child's family and represent a higher standard of conduct than reasonable efforts. Amends the Adoption Act. Provides that a person shall not be considered an unfit person for the sole reason that the Department of Children and Family Services or its assign has been found to have not made active efforts as defined in the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 during any period during the pendency of the case at hand. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Provides that if the minor has multiple delinquency petitions filed against him or her, remaining petitions pending against the minor respondent shall be adjudicated within 120 (rather than 160) days from the date on which a finding relative to the first petition prosecuted is rendered. Restructures the provisions concerning alleged delinquent minors and pretrial detention of alleged delinquent minors. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Deletes provisions that a person convicted or found guilty under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 for, or who received a disposition of court supervision for, a qualifying offense or attempt of a qualifying offense or convicted or found guilty of, under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, any offense requiring registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act is required to submit specimens of blood, saliva, or tissue to the Illinois State Police for analysis and categorizing into genetic marker groupings. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Revenue Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Revenue shall reimburse eligible taxing districts for revenue loss associated with providing homestead exemptions for veterans with disabilities. Specifies that a taxing district is eligible for reimbursement if application of the homestead exemptions for veterans with disabilities results in reduction in the total equalized assessed value of all taxable property in the taxing district in which the taxing district is located of more than 2.5% for the taxable year that is 2 years before the start of the State fiscal year in which the application for reimbursement is made and the taxing district is located in whole or in part in a county that contains a United States military base. Provides that the aggregate amount of reimbursements for all taxing districts in any calendar year may not exceed $30,000,000. Sets forth the amount of the reimbursement. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Defines "special event". Deletes "data" from the definition of "information". Provides that "information" does not include data gathered under circumstances in which the drone is used over publicly owned property or private property with prior permission of the owner of the private property when the purpose is training peace officers, public relations, conducting infrastructure inspections, or other similar non-law enforcement purposes. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency at a special event to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement; assess public safety staffing; or monitor the safety of the participants. Provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service if the primary purpose for the response is to locate or assist victims, or both, identify offenders, or guide emergency response. Provides that information gathered by a drone is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Makes other changes. Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Exempts from disclosure information that is prohibited from disclosure under the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Public Safety and Justice Privacy Act. Defines terms. Provides that government agencies, persons, businesses, and associations shall not publicly post or display publicly available content that includes a law enforcement officer's, prosecutor's, public defender's, or probation officer's ("officials") personal information, provided that the government agency, person, business, or association has received a written request from the person that it refrain from disclosing the person's personal information. Provides injunctive or declaratory relief if the Act is violated. Includes procedures for a written request. Provides that it is a Class 3 felony for any person to knowingly publicly post on the Internet the personal information of an official or an official's immediate family under specified circumstances. Excludes criminal penalties for employees of government agencies who publish information in good faith during the ordinary course of carrying out public functions. Provides that the Act and any rules adopted to implement the Act shall be construed broadly to favor the protection of the personal information of officials. Amends various Acts and Codes allowing an official to list a business address rather than a home address and makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that election authorities may authorize service of objections to candidate nominations through electronic mail instead of personal service if the election authority responsible for convening the electoral board requires candidates to provide an electronic mail address where notices of objections and electoral board proceedings may be sent electronically instead of through personal service, requires objectors to provide an electronic mail address where notices and electoral board proceedings may be sent electronically instead of through personal service, and publishes notice of its decision to authorize service of objections to candidate nominations through electronic mail on its website within 5 business days after the effective date of the amendatory Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county may establish goals, based upon a legally defensible disparity study, for the procurement of goods and services to promote and encourage the continuing economic development of: (1) minority-owned and minority-operated businesses; (2) women-owned and women-operated businesses; (3) businesses owned and operated by persons with disabilities; and (4) businesses owned and operated by veterans of the armed forces of the United States. In the County Design-Build Authorization Division of the Code, provides that, rather than evaluating design-build proposals to see if they comply with the utilization goals for business enterprises established in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act and provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, design-build proposals may be evaluated to determine if the proposals meet the county's contracting goals for the county's program for disadvantaged business enterprises based on the county's most recent, legally defensible disparity study. This is a DuPage County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that the State Board of Elections shall reimburse a county up to $50 for an amount paid to an election judge under specified provisions that is in excess of $100 per day. Provides that the provisions shall not affect the calculation of an election judge's compensation.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that it is the policy of the State to promote and encourage the installation of distributed energy resources, such as distributed generation technology and advanced energy storage, and to limit obstacles to their use. Establishes that within 180 days of the effective date of the amendatory Act, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall create and administer a grant program facilitating the implementation of an online permitting process for residential photovoltaic solar energy systems for the purpose of modernizing and reducing the cost and time to obtain building permits for distributed generation. Provides that jurisdictions requiring permits for such systems may apply for a grant of up to $20,000 from the Department. Requires the Department to allocate a minimum of $1,000,000 in eligible funds to provide grants under the program. Requires the Department to disclose in a report on its website each jurisdiction which received a grant, the amount of each grant, the anticipated implementation date of the recipient jurisdiction's automated permitting platform, and other relevant information.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the immediate notice of crash provisions of the Code apply to crashes within the State resulting in injury to or the death of any person, or in which damage to the property of any one person, including that of the driver, is sustained in excess of $10,000 (or $5,000 if any of the vehicles involved in certain crashes but is not covered by the specified liability insurance policy), or of a vehicle that is in any manner involved in a crash in the State that involves a school bus, caused by a collision, a sudden stop, or otherwise, resulting in any property damage, personal injury, or death, or that is involved in a crash that occurs within 50 feet of a school bus in this State and resulting in personal injury to or the death of any person while awaiting or preparing to board the bus or immediately after exiting the bus. Requires the Secretary of State to suspend the driver's license or any nonresident driving privilege of any person who fails or neglects to report a crash as required by any other law of the State. Provides that the driver is not required to file a report in a single-vehicle crash in which the vehicle struck a deer or other animal or when damaged is caused to the vehicle due to a highway defect. Provides that certain drivers may fulfill reporting requirements by using a reporting mechanism via electronic means, if the law enforcement agency has implemented an electronic reporting mechanism. Adds employees of a law enforcement agency appointed with duties to complete the Illinois State Police crash reporting form to provisions requiring law enforcement officers to forward a written report as a result of a crash investigation to the Administrator. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that an election authority establishing a vote center (where a voter in its jurisdiction is allowed to vote on election day regardless of the precinct in which they are registered) under the Section shall identify the location, hours of operation, and any health and safety requirements by the 40th day preceding an election (rather than the 2022 general primary election and the 2022 general election) and certify such to the State Board of Elections. Removes a repeal date of July 1, 2023 for the vote center provisions. Effective immediately.

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Mandate? No
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the PFAS Reduction Act. Provides that the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency shall establish a take-back program for local fire departments and fire protection districts that use and store firefighting foam containing PFAS. Provides that fire departments and fire protection districts that participated in the most recent PFAS survey shall be eligible to participate in the program, but participation in the program shall not be required. Provides that the program shall provide funding and resources to ensure the proper destruction of firefighting foam containing PFAS. Provides that the program shall commence within 6 months after the effective date and continue for a period of 5 years or until the Office of the State Fire Marshall finds that no firefighting foam containing PFAS is reported in the PFAS survey. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Provides that the Act does not prohibit the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is using the drone for pilot practice or training of a law enforcement officer or airborne photography or video for community marketing purposes or flight demonstrations for the general public.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Seat of Government Commission Act. Creates the Seat of Government Commission. Provides for membership of the Commission and membership requirements. Provides for meetings of the Commission. Provides that the Office of the Governor shall provide administrative and other support to the Commission. Provides that it shall be the duty of the Commission to serve as a line of communication between the State and local officials in the seat of government, regarding property leases, ownership, and any other issues deemed relevant to interactions between the State government and the seat of government.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Act. Provides that a pharmacist may sell fentanyl test strips over-the-counter to the public to test for the presence of fentanyl, a fentanyl analogue, or a drug adulterant within a controlled substance. Provides that a county health department may distribute fentanyl test strips at the county health department facility for no fee. Amends the Drug Paraphernalia Control Act. Provides that "drug paraphernalia" does not include equipment, products, or materials to analyze or test for the presence of fentanyl, a fentanyl analogue, or a drug adulterant within a controlled substance. House Amendment 1: Provides that a pharmacist or retailer (rather than only a pharmacist) may sell fentanyl test strips over-the-counter to the public to test for the presence of fentanyl, a fentanyl analog, or a drug adulterant within a controlled substance.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Public Duty Rule Codification Act. Contains legislative findings and a statement of legislative purpose. Provides that a local governmental entity and its employees owe a duty of care to the public at large, therefore it does not owe a duty of care to individual members of the public to provide governmental services.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Police Training Act. Creates within the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board a Recruitment Division. Provides that the Division shall establish a Back the Badge program, which shall establish recruitment plans for law enforcement agencies. Provides that the Division shall determine and prioritize specific characteristics that a law enforcement agency and community desire in their police officers. Provides that the Division shall cooperate with law enforcement agencies to determine a strategy to hire and retain sworn police officers who are diverse and reflective of the community and the priorities of the law enforcement agencies.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Strengthening and Transforming Behavioral Health Crisis Care in Illinois Act. Requires the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, to use an independent third-party expert to conduct a cost analysis and determine actuarially sound costs associated with developing and maintaining a statewide initiative for the coordination and delivery of the continuum of behavioral health crisis response services in the State, including crisis call centers, mobile crisis response team services, crisis receiving and stabilization centers, and other acute behavioral health services. Contains provisions concerning recommendations on multiple sources of funding that could potentially be utilized to support a sustainable and comprehensive continuum of behavioral health crisis response services; a behavioral health crisis workforce; an action plan; a stakeholder working group to develop recommendations to coordinate programming and strategies to support a cohesive behavioral health crisis response system; and other matters. Effective immediately. House Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill but with the following changes: Makes subject to appropriation the requirement that the Department of Human Services use an independent third-party expert to conduct a cost analysis on developing and maintaining a statewide initiative for the coordination and delivery of the continuum of behavioral health crisis response services in the State. Provides that the cost analysis shall include costs that are or can be reasonably attributed to: (i) staffing and technological infrastructure enhancements necessary to achieve operational and clinical standards and best practices set forth by the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (rather than costs that are or can be reasonably attributed to ensuring the efficient and effective routing of calls made to the 9-8-8 suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline to the designated hotline center and community behavioral health centers); (ii) the need to develop staffing that is consistent with federal guidelines for (rather than staffing that is adequate for expedient) mobile crisis response times, based on call volume and the geography served; and (iii) the provision of call, text, and chat response; mobile crisis response; and follow-up and crisis stabilization services that are in response to the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Removes all references to "Program 590" with "the Division of Mental Health's Crisis Care Continuum Program". Makes other technical changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that public records include born-digital electronic material and digitized electronic material and defines both of those terms. Provides that "public inspection" or "inspection" means, as it relates to public records that are born-digital electronic material or digitized electronic material, inspection of public records on a public body's website or on a designated computer available at the official place of business of the public body. Amends the Local Records Act making similar changes to the definition of "public record". Further amends the Local Records Act providing that approval of the Commission is not needed for, and the Commission may not prohibit, destruction of an original record after it is converted into a digitized electronic format if the standards and procedures of the Commission relating to digitization are followed. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the fee for a coroner's or medical examiner's permit to cremate a human body is $100 (rather than $50). Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Finance Act. Increases the percentage of moneys that are transferred from the Cannabis Regulation Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Provides that moneys allocated to counties under those provisions shall be directed to a fund under the control of the Sheriff. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, in matters a sheriff deems essential to preventing or assisting with disasters or events of civil disorder, the sheriff may authorize plain clothes to be worn by auxiliary deputies as long as the auxiliary deputies are carrying proper identification while performing this function. Provides that auxiliary deputies may only carry firearms while in the performance of their assigned duties (rather than while in uniform and in the performance of their assigned duties).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that a public body may require (rather than may not require) that a request be submitted on a standard form or require the requester to specify the purpose for a request. Provides that a person making a request may not make a request for any other individual, but may make a request for an organization if the person discloses the organization for whom the request is being made.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $25,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Supreme Court to be distributed to counties for expenses for direct mental health services provided to individuals and families participating in mental health courts, or on standard adult and juvenile probation caseloads. Appropriates $9,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Supreme Court for the establishment and maintenance of crisis intervention mental health care units for regional use and availability by probation departments for adults and juveniles in need of immediate care and placement. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the definition of "authorized emergency vehicle" includes emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public service corporations as are designated or authorized by proper State or county authorities. Provides that the definition of "police vehicle" includes any vehicle, recreational off-highway vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, bicycle, or electric personal assistive mobility device that is designated or authorized by proper State or county authorities for police use.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Utilities Act. Deletes language that provides that no construction shall commence on any new nuclear power plant to be located within the State, and no certificate of public convenience and necessity or other authorization shall be issued therefor by the Illinois Commerce Commission, until the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency finds that the United States Government, through its authorized agency, has identified and approved a demonstrable technology or means for the disposal of high level nuclear waste, or until such construction has been specifically approved by a statute enacted by the General Assembly. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

HB3488 - $ICJIA

Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for grants to assist the Court Appointed Special Advocates of Cook County in its efforts to advocate for successful older youth in care emancipation from the Department of Children and Family Services. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that any purchase by a county with fewer than 2,000,000 inhabitants of services, materials, equipment or supplies in excess of $50,000 (rather than $30,000), other than professional services, shall be let by competitive bidding or, for an emergency, let without advertising for bids by the county board. Effective immediately. The bill was introduced on behalf of the Jackson County Sheriff's office.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that wireless telecommunication towers that are not otherwise exempt under a specific provision of the Code are subject to local property taxes and shall be valued according to policies adopted by the chief county assessment officer. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the requirements of the Act do not apply to capital appropriated funds provided to units of local government by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for infrastructure projects. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Creates the Opioid Crisis Committee. Provides that the purpose of the Commission shall be to study the opioid crisis across the nation and the State. Provides that the Commission shall develop strategies and policies to reduce the number of overdoses and deaths due to opioids in the State. Provides that the Commission shall ensure that any policy developed will be equitably accessible across historically marginalized groups and in both rural and urban areas. Provides that the Commission shall consist of members appointed by the Department of Human Services. Provides that the Department of Human Services shall provide administrative assistance and necessary staff support services. Provides that the Commission shall issue a report on the findings and strategies developed by the Commission to the General Assembly and the Governor. Provides that the Commission shall be dissolved upon delivery of the report. Repeals the provisions on January 1, 2027.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Land Bank Authority Act. Authorizes the corporate authorities of a municipality or county, or 2 or more municipalities or counties, to create a land bank by ordinance (for the corporate authorities of a home rule municipality or county), by entering into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement (for the corporate authorities of 2 or more municipalities and counties), or by authority already provided to a county, municipality, or other taxing district prior to the effective date of the Act. Includes provisions relating to legislative findings and purpose, definitions, and interpretation of the Act. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2023, the Department of Revenue shall deposit 10% of the net revenue realized from the income taxes imposed under the Act directly into the Local Government Distributive Fund as that revenue is realized. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that if the county jail located in the county where the committed person was residing immediately before his or her conviction for the offense for which he or she is serving sentence in the Department of Corrections has a reentry program for committed persons, the Department may transfer the custody of the committed person to the sheriff of the county where the reentry program is located for up to 12 months before the committed person's release date for participation in the reentry program. House Amendment 1: Provides that no transfer of the committed person to the sheriff of the county where the reentry program is located shall be made without the written approval of the sheriff of that county.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Aircraft Landing and Taking Off Restriction Act. Defines "roadable aircraft". Provides that roadable aircraft shall be required to take off and land from a suitable airstrip and shall be prohibited from taking off and landing from any public roadway, unless under conditions of an emergency. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Defines "roadable aircraft" as an aircraft that has a method of propulsion which allows wheeled travel on roads and highways and is manufactured to meet the federal safety standards of motorcycles. Provides that a roadable aircraft shall be considered a motor vehicle while in operation on the roadways of the State. Exempts roadable aircraft from certificate of title requirements. Provides that roadable aircraft shall be identified using the federally issued tail number and may, but shall not be required to, display an additional license plate. Provides that roadable aircraft shall be issued one annual registration sticker and provides for the display of the registration sticker. Exempts roadable aircraft from motor vehicle inspection requirements.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Provides that the Act may be referred to as the Daniel Capuano Memorial Act. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Creates the offense of first responder endangerment. Provides that a person commits the offense when he or she knowingly creates a dangerous condition and intentionally conceals the dangerous condition in a commercial property under his or her management or operational control and the dangerous condition is found to be the primary cause of the death or serious bodily injury of a first responder in the course of his or her official duties. Provides that a violation is a Class 4 felony. Defines various terms.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Provides that nothing in the Act prohibits a forest preserve district from prohibiting persons from carrying a firearm into any botanic garden, campground, aquatic center, grounds of an aquatic center, boat launch, boating center, athletic venue, picnic grove, nature center, grounds of a nature center, pavilion, grounds of a pavilion, golf course, parking lot, driving range, adventure course, grounds of an adventure course, zipline building, grounds of a zipline, equestrian center, grounds of an equestrian center, exercise venue, grounds of an exercise venue, any Illinois nature preserve, land and water reserve, or any public or private gathering or special event conducted on property that requires the issuance of a permit. Defines "grounds". This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Community-Law Enforcement and Other First Responder Partnership for Deflection and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act. Changes the Act name to the Community Partnership for Deflection and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act. Modifies and adds definitions. Provides that A law enforcement agency, other first responder entity, or local government agency (rather than only a law enforcement agency or other first responder entity) may establish a deflection program in partnership with one or more licensed providers of substance use disorder treatment services and one or more community members or organizations. Provides that a deflection program may involve a pre-arrest diversion response and proactive identification of persons thought likely to have an untreated or undiagnosed mental illness. Provides that a local deflection program shall also include case management and restorative justice aspects. Provides that a deflection program may accept, receive, and disburse, in furtherance of its duties and functions, any funds, grants, and services made available by the State and its agencies, the federal government and its agencies, units of local government, and private or civic sources. Provides that activities eligible for funding under the Act include naloxone and related harm reduction supplies (rather than related supplies) necessary for carrying out overdose prevention and reversal (rather than overdose reversal) for purposes of distribution to program participants or for use by law enforcement, other first responders, or local governmental agencies and wraparound participant funds to be used to incentivize participation and meet participant needs. Provides that the Legislative Reference Bureau shall reassign the Act in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (to reflect the addition of local government agencies to the Act).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the Act does not apply to awards made by the Department of Public Health to certified local health departments for the purposes of public health, public safety, and healthcare-related projects utilizing State and federal funds. Provides that federal and federal pass-through awards from the Department of Public Health to certified local health departments are governed by and must comply with specified federal guidelines notwithstanding the requirements of the Act. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Housing Development Act. Provides that the Illinois Housing Development Authority may award State matching grants to sponsors who receive donations that qualify for the affordable housing tax credit. Provides that the grant may not exceed the amount of the tax credit claimed for the donation.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that the treatment of autism spectrum disorder through applied behavior analysis shall be covered under the medical assistance program for children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder when ordered by a certified, registered, or licensed health care professional with expertise in treating the effects of autism spectrum disorders when the care is determined to be medically necessary and ordered by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. Provides that certain treatment shall be covered, including, but not limited to, psychiatric, psychological, rehabilitative, and therapeutic care. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, in collaboration with the Department of Human Services' Division of Mental Health, to allow for hospital presumptive eligibility for medical assistance for individuals presenting in hospital emergency rooms who are in a psychiatric crisis and meet the federal criteria for hospital presumptive eligibility. Requires the Department and the Division of Mental Health, with meaningful stakeholder input, to develop a process by which those individuals are referred to a community-based mental health provider, or any other appropriate organization, to facilitate enrollment in the medical assistance program immediately following hospital or emergency room discharge and a referral for community-based treatment. Provides that if the Department's Illinois Continuity of Care and Administrative Simplification 1115 Waiver, which includes waiving the federal requirement of hospital presumptive eligibility for medical assistance, is required to be amended to implement the amendatory Act, then the Department shall amend the 1115 Waiver within 60 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Emergency Telephone System Act. Changes the date that the Act will be repealed from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2025. Makes other, conforming date changes. Provides that an entity that manages or operates a private residential switch service or shared residential or temporary residential MLTS service that was installed on or before February 16, 2020 shall ensure that the system includes the ALI containing the street address of the 9-1-1 caller (rather than dispatchable location) who is the source of the call to 9-1-1. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Removes the condition that a disaster declaration related to public health concerns needs to be in effect to conduct meetings by audio or video conference without the physical presence of a quorum. Provides that the presiding officer shall give a reason why conducting an audio or video conference is in the best interest of the public body (instead of the nature of the emergency) at the beginning of the meeting. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a commercial wind energy facility owner or solar energy facility owner must file a land reclamation plan and a recycling plan with the Department of Agriculture prior to the required public hearing on the siting of a facility. Provides that the land reclamation plan must outline how the property on which a facility has been constructed will be returned to the state the property existed prior to the construction of the facility upon removal of the facility. Provides that the recycling plan must outline how the material used to construct the facility will be recycled. Provides that a commercial solar energy facility may not be sited on property where the property's soil's crop productivity index is greater than 110. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act. Provides that forest preserve districts with a population of less than 3,000,000 may levy taxes for general corporate purposes after referendum for a fiscal year not exceeding the rate of .08% (rather than .06%) of the value of the taxable property. Provides that forest preserve districts having a population of 100,000 or more but less than 3,000,000 may levy taxes for specified purposes after referendum not exceeding the rate of .045% (rather than .025%) of the assessed value of all taxable property. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act. Provides that if a cottage food operation is located in another state, it must register with the local health department for the unit of local government where it will sell products. Provides that a cottage food product shall not be shipped out of State unless it is compliant with the laws of the state to which it is being shipped. Provides that a local health department may establish policies to allow for the indirect sale by retailers of food and drink produced by a cottage food operation within its jurisdiction. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $50,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security for supplemental disaster relief grants. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that if the county jail located in the county where the committed person was residing immediately before his or her conviction for the offense for which he or she is serving sentence in the Department of Corrections has a reentry program for committed persons, the Department of Corrections shall reimburse the county for any expenses incurred in the transfer of the committed person to the sheriff of the county where the reentry program is located, including the housing of the committed person transferred to the reentry program.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county may require a commercial solar energy facility to be sited 500 feet (rather than 50 feet) to the nearest point on the property line of a nonparticipating property and 500 feet (rather than 150 feet) from the nearest point on the outside wall of an occupied community building or dwelling on nonparticipating properties.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Construction Zone Safe Detour Act. Establishes that a company that provides GPS travel services in the State is required to ensure that at least one person is available to receive official requests 24 hours per day, 7 days per week from emergency services, Illinois State Police, or the Department of Transportation for the purpose of implementing proper detours in the event of construction or emergency. Requires a GPS service provider to upload the detour and routing information provided by emergency services, Illinois State Police, or the Department of Transportation into its navigation system to properly route users of the GPS service provider's systems. Provides that a GPS service provider that fails to implement proper detour routing on an ongoing and emergency basis may be liable for treble damages. Allows an affirmative defense for GPS service providers if emergency services, including the Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police, fail to notify the GPS service provider with routing information. Prohibits the Department from conducting construction on a secondary route or parallel primary highway at the same time, except in an emergency. Requires the Department to reimburse local governments for damages caused to roads within the local government's jurisdiction that arise from any detour around or near a construction zone authorized by the Department. Provides that the Department shall adopt emergency rules for the administration of the Act. Defines terms.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Changes the effective date of the Act from January 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Provides that the definition of "employer" does not include municipalities organized under the Illinois Municipal Code, townships organized under the Township Code, counties organized under the Counties Code, or forest preserve districts organized under the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act or the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Illinois State Police shall develop a coordinated program for a emergency alert system to notify people when a active shooter situation is occurring in the State. Provides that, on the request of a local law enforcement agency or as the Illinois State Police determines appropriate to assist a local law enforcement agency regarding an active shooter, the Illinois State Police shall activate the alert system and notify appropriate participants in the alert system if the local law enforcement agency or the Illinois State Police determines that the situation meets certain specified criteria. Provides that the Illinois State Police may adopt rules to implement the provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Specifies that, as used in the Act, "commercial purpose" includes the use of public records (or information contained in public records) for solicitation of individuals to join an organization. Authorizes a public body to extend the time for responding to a request for a public record by 7 business days (rather than 5 business days) in specified circumstances. Provides that, in the case of a request for a commercial purpose, a public body shall (rather than may) require the person to pay the estimated copy fee in full before copying the requested documents. Changes the way that a public body may respond to requests by recurrent requesters. Provides that, in the case of a voluminous request, a requester shall pay the entire fee before releasing the requested public record. Allows a public body after the first 2 hours (rather than the first 8 hours) to charge up to $10 for each hour spent by personnel in searching for and retrieving a requested record or examining the record for necessary redactions. Removes a limitation on the imposition of this $10 per hour fee. Exempts from disclosure under the Act communications that do not pertain to the transaction of public business that are sent to or received by an individual's personal electronic device, such as text messages, voice messages, and emails.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act and the Local Records Act. In the definition provisions of those Acts, defines the term "junk mail" and specifies that the term "public record" does not include junk mail.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the County Motor Fuel Tax Law in the Counties Code. Provides that any county (currently, DuPage, Kane, Lake, Will, and McHenry counties only) may impose a tax upon all persons engaged in the business of selling motor fuel. Provides that, in addition to other uses currently allowed by law, the proceeds from the tax shall be used for the purpose of maintaining and constructing essential transportation-related infrastructure.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county may establish goals to promote minority-owned and operated businesses, women-owned and operated businesses, businesses owned and operated by persons with disabilities, and businesses located within the county.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code, the Township Code, the Illinois Municipal Code, the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, the Park District Code, the Illinois Local Library Act, the Public Library District Act of 1991, the School Code, and the Public Community College Act. Provides that the board of trustees and corporate authorities of the various local governmental entities referenced in the named Acts and Codes may establish aspirational goals for the awarding of contracts to minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with disabilities. Defines "minority-owned business", "women-owned business", and "business owned by a person with a disability".

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the amount transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the short title.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility in or within one mile of an urban area (rather than in or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people). Allows a county (in addition to a municipality) to opt out of bicycle and pedestrian way construction by passing a resolution stating that a bicycle or pedestrian way does not fit within its development plan.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, moneys in the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund may not be appropriated, assigned, or transferred to another State fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that, in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the assessment list may be posted on the chief county assessment officer's website.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Provides that within 90 days after the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Areas have been designated by the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program Board, the Board chair shall appoint 8 public officials of municipal or county (rather than municipal) geographic jurisdictions in the State that include a Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Area to the Board.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Police Training Act. Provides that the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board shall report any notice of violation it receives to the relevant law enforcement agency within 7 days (rather than 30 days) after receiving notice unless reporting the notice would jeopardize any subsequent investigation. Removes an exception to notification of the relevant law enforcement agency when the notice of violation received was reported by a law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the State shall indemnify and hold harmless a board-certified forensic pathologist who has been appointed or designated by a county or a county coroner's office to perform autopsies for all of the pathologist's acts, omissions, decisions, or conduct arising out of the scope of the pathologist's duties of performing autopsies for the county, except those involving willful or wanton misconduct. Provides that indemnification shall be as provided under the State Employee Indemnification Act. Amends the State Employee Indemnification Act to make conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Animal Welfare Act. Provides that an animal shelter or animal control facility may (rather than shall) waive the adoption fee for a dog or cat if the person adopting the dog or cat is a veteran and meets specified criteria.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Law Enforcement Camera Grant Act. In provisions relating to the annual report that is required for each law enforcement agency receiving a grant for officer-work body cameras, removes requirements that the report must include specified information relating to each recording used in prosecutions of conservation, criminal, or traffic offenses or municipal ordinance violations and specified information related to recordings used in a civil proceeding or internal affairs investigation.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county may set blade tip height limitations for wind towers in commercial wind energy facilities near a restricted landing area to ensure compliance with specified provisions of the Illinois Administrative Code.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $3,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Office of the Kane County State's Attorney for its operational expenses. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services to provide mental health services to pre-incarcerated and post-incarcerated individuals. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Aeronautics Act. Allows a unit of local government to adopt reasonable rules related to the use of the first 150 feet of airspace that is above ground level of public property owned or controlled by that unit of local government. Establishes that a unit of local government may only adopt rules for publicly owned or controlled property that is intended or permitted to be used for recreational or conservation purposes, including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds, aquatic facilities, wildlife areas, or other recreational facilities. Provides that reasonable rules adopted by a unit of local government shall not supersede any administrative rules adopted by the Department of Transportation. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act. Provides that a governmental unit may award contracts based on its own ranking of the offerors without regard to whether or not a cooperative purchasing program has ranked the offerors. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Allows the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to grant a community water supply an initial extension of the lead service line replacement timeline for a period of a time that is equal to not more than 30% (rather than not more than 20%) of the original lead service line replacement timeline.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the provisions of the engrossed bill with the following changes. Provides that a "disruption event" includes any planned or unplanned work on or damage to a fire hydrant. Changes the term "health care facility list" to "disruption notification list". Requires a public water distribution entity to also notify all affected fire departments and all affected dispatch centers on the public water supply's disruption notification list not less than 14 days before any known, planned, or anticipated disruption event. Requires a public water distribution entity to notify all affected fire departments and dispatch centers on the disruption notification list that are affected by any unplanned disruption event within 2 hours. Requires a fire department and a dispatch center to designate an email address to receive electronic notifications from the public water distribution entity concerning planned or unplanned disruption events.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act. Authorizes the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and office of Homeland Security to adopt rules for the implementation of its State-funded grant programs.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Pretrial Success Act. Provides that the Department of Human Services has grant making, operational, and procurement authority to distribute funds to local government health and human services agencies, community-based organizations, and other entities necessary to execute the functions under the Act. Provides that subject to appropriation, the Department shall issue grants to local governmental agencies and community-based organizations to maximize pretrial success each year. Provides that grants shall be awarded no later than October 1, 2024. Provides that grants in subsequent years shall be issued on or before September 1 of the relevant fiscal year and shall allow for pre-award expenditures beginning July 1 of the relevant fiscal year. Provides that each judicial circuit with a population of at least 250,000 constitutes a service area. Provides that each judicial circuit with populations of less than 250,000 shall be combined with at least one other geographically contiguous judicial circuit to constitute a service area with a population of at least 250,000. Provides that resources for each service area shall be distributed based on maximizing the total potential pretrial success. Subject to appropriation, the minimum annual grant amount awarded in each service area shall be $300,000. Provides that beginning in fiscal year 2027 and subject to appropriation, grants shall be awarded for a project period of 3 years, contingent on Department requirements for reporting and successful performance. Provides that organizations receiving grants under the Act shall provide the following services directly or through subgrants to other organizations:(1) case management for mental health and substance use disorders; (2) detoxification or referral to detoxification when clinically indicated and available in the community; (3) medication assisted treatment or referral to medication assisted treatment when clinically indicated and available in the community; (4) child care to remove barriers to court appearances; and (5) transportation to court appearances if not available through the Office of Statewide Pretrial Services or other court stakeholders. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. In provisions concerning forfeiture of benefits for certain felony convictions, provides that the forfeiture of benefits applies immediately after the felony conviction is entered, notwithstanding whether the person has been sentenced for that felony. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act apply to felony convictions entered on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Public Health for local health protection grants for health protection programs. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that the State Board of Elections shall create a training program on how to safely manage conflicts and make the training available free of charge to all election judges and employees of election authorities. Provides that a person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor who knowingly: (1) interferes in any manner with an election judge in the discharge of the election judge's duties; (3) makes available publicly, including posting on the Internet, the contact information, including, but not limited to, the phone number, email address, or physical address of an election judge; or (4) threatens, coerces, or intimidates, whether verbally or in writing, an election judge with the intent to impede or interfere with the election judge while the election judge is engaged in the performance of his or her duties or retaliate against the election judge on account of the election judge's performance of his or her duties.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the amount transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $25,000,000 from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for capital infrastructure grants for statewide certified local health departments. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that an open or closed meeting subject to the Act may be conducted by audio or video conference, without the physical presence of a quorum of the members, if the National Weather Service has determined that all or part of the jurisdiction of the public body is located within an area that is subject to a severe weather alert on the day of the meeting. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Revenue Sharing Act. Requires the Department of Revenue to establish a payment, in excess to the Department's determined amount for the fiscal year, that is equal to 1% of a municipality's or county's allotment from the Local Government Distributive Fund to be awarded to any municipality or county that can document its use of diesel fuel containing in excess of the percentage of biodiesel necessary to qualify for exemption from the tax under specified provisions of the Use Tax Act for that year. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Repeals a provision of the Code concerning the required use of biodiesel.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that the county board or the corporate authorities of a municipality may adopt a resolution declaring that a specified area of the county or municipality has a litter problem and that fines for littering in the specified area will be tripled. Provides that the county or municipality shall post notice in the area specified by the county or municipality warning of the increased fines. Allows the amount of the increase in the fine received under the provisions must be used toward litter cleanup in the county or municipality.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Nonpublic Forum Regulation Act. Provides that a unit of local government or State agency may designate areas within a public building that are nonpublic forums where photography and video recording are prohibited. Provides that, if a unit of local government or State agency has designated an area as a nonpublic forum, the unit or agency must conspicuously post a sign, no smaller than 12 inches by 12 inches, indicating that the area is a nonpublic forum. Prohibits photographing or video recording in an area designated as a nonpublic forum, and provides that a person that violates the provisions is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $100 for each day that the person takes photographs or video recordings in violation of the provisions. Provides that an official or employee of a unit of local government may refer a violation of the provisions to the State's Attorney and an official or employee of a State agency may refer a violation of the provisions to the Attorney General for prosecution of the civil penalty and collection of the fine. Provides that a State's Attorney or the Attorney General may also bring an action to seek a temporary restraining order prohibiting a person who has violated the provisions from entering an area designated as a nonpublic forum. Provides that moneys received from payment of civil penalties resulting from a violation in a unit of local government nonpublic forum shall be paid into the treasury of the unit of local government for general unit operations, and provides that moneys received from payment of civil penalties resulting from a violation in a State agency nonpublic forum shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund for general State governmental operations.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that no person shall gather in a public street, commercial parking lot, or any other area open to the public for the purpose of street racing or a street side show. Provides that a vehicle used in street racing or a street side show or used to interfere with the flow of traffic to facilitate street racing or a street side show is subject to forfeiture. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Makes corresponding changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that, if a request for public records for officer-worn body camera recorded audio or video is received by a public body, the public body shall either comply with or deny the request within 15 business days (rather than 5 days) after its receipt of the request. Allows an extension to the time to respond to a request for officer-worn body camera recorded audio or video to 15 business days (rather than 5 business days).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall adopt rules pertaining to expedient and efficient processing of grants awarded to public safety agencies though the State's awarding agencies, including those awards provided through the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board. Provides that the rules pertaining to the issuance of awards to public safety agencies shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) in accordance with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, continued uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for State and federal pass-through awards to non-federal public safety entities; (2) an application process for public safety agencies that proceeds to process applicants, upon the receipt of their application on a first-come, first-serve basis; and (3) an award process that proceeds on a chronological case-by-case basis where a public safety agency's award is processed with no delay upon that agency's completion of all requirements, including the application process, reporting requirements, monitoring, and all other considerations and regulations as required under the Act. Provides that the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit and the Office of the State Comptroller shall consider and determine revised factors when determining permanent or temporary cease payments, the garnishment of funds, or any other action by a State agency to hinder receipt of an award by a public safety agency recipient or subrecipient. Provides that those factors shall be disseminated to all State agencies that award grants to public safety agencies. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the County Co-Responder Pilot Program Division in the Counties Code. Provides that each county sheriff's office may establish, subject to appropriation, a co-responder unit by no later than 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory Act. Provides that, in addition to other responsibilities, the unit's social workers are responsible for conducting follow-up visits for victims who may benefit from mental or behavioral health services. Provides that the unit's primary area of focus shall be victim assistance. Includes other provisions relating to establishment of the units, duties of the unit, unit training, and privileged or confidential communications. Repeals the Division on January 1, 2029.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. In provisions requiring that, upon request by a unit of local government, the Department of Transportation shall make available any study or survey completed by the Department that concerns traffic or the environmental impact on road construction projects, provides that studies or surveys prohibited from disclosure by State or federal statutory confidentiality restrictions are not required to be made available.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act. Provides that each year, at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the responsible public entity's fiscal year, the responsible public entity shall submit to the General Assembly a description of potential projects that the responsible public entity is considering undertaking under the Act to each county, municipality, and metropolitan planning organization, with respect to each project located within its boundaries. Requires any new transportation facility developed as a project under the Act to be consistent with the regional plan then in existence of any metropolitan planning organization in whose boundaries the project is located. Provides that, prior to the approval of the public-private agreement, the responsible public entity must notify the public at least 60 days prior to the approval of the public-private agreement for any projects under the Act and must hold at least one public meeting within the impacted community. Sets forth additional notice requirements. Sets forth public meeting requirements. Requires the responsible public entity to create a meeting summary including issues raised by the public and respond to all questions in writing no later than 14 days after the meeting. Requires the responsible public entity to post the summary and responses to the responsible public entity's publicly accessible website. Makes other changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall adopt rules prohibiting issuance of and requiring the lifting of stop-payment orders if: (1) the recipient or subrecipient is a public safety department or agency, including a police or fire department of a unit of local government; (2) the Governor's Office of Management and Budget has verified that the unit of local government, its administration, or a department of the unit is in a state of noncompliance with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, but the public safety department or agency recipient or subrecipient is not in a state of noncompliance; (3) the recipient or subrecipient public safety department or agency's award would be applied to costs of the fulfillment of a State legislative or administrative mandate; and (4) the sum total of the award is less than $200,000. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the allocation to road districts shall be made in the same manner and be subject to the same conditions and qualifications as are provided by Section 8 of the Motor Vehicle Tax Law with respect to the allocation to road districts of the amount allotted from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for apportionment to counties for the use of road districts, but no allocation shall be made to any road district that has not levied taxes for road and bridge purposes in such a manner that is eligible for allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funding pursuant to the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Provides that any funds allocated to a county that are not obligated within 48 months shall be considered lapsed funds and reappropriated in the same fund. Provides that the lapsed funds shall be used to provide additional monetary assistance to townships and road districts that have insufficient funding for construction of bridges that are 20 feet or more in length under the Code. Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to implement the provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that an open or closed meeting subject to the Act may be conducted by audio or video conference, without the physical presence of a quorum of the members, if the National Weather Service has determined that all or part of the jurisdiction of the public body is located within an area that is subject to a severe weather alert on the day of the meeting. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer is a Class 4 felony if there is video evidence of the driver or operator of the motor vehicle fleeing or attempting to elude the peace officer and that the fleeing or attempting to elude the peace officer results in damage to property of the State, a unit of local government, or school district.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Secretary of Transportation to establish a program through which the Secretary shall award grants to eligible entities for projects that facilitate travel by public transportation to public outdoor recreation sites for outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, boating, picnicking, hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, or other nature-based activities. Provides that the Secretary shall offer grants through the Transit to Trails program on an annual basis. Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt rules necessary to implement and administer the program. Provides that, in considering grant applications, the Department shall prioritize projects with demonstrated intent to enhance access to outdoor recreation opportunities for populations in greatest need of improved access to outdoor nature-based recreation. Requires the Department to provide technical assistance in preparing grant applications to applicants upon request. Provides that implementation of the grant program is subject to appropriation by the General Assembly.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Makes various appropriations from the General Revenue Fund to the Supreme Court for mental health and substance abuse services provided by local probation departments and the Office of Statewide Pretrial Services. Appropriates $9,000,000 to the Supreme Court for the establishment and maintenance of crisis intervention mental health care units. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Resilient Illinois Revolving Loan Fund Act. Establishes the Resilient Illinois Revolving Loan Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides that moneys in the Fund shall be used to provide low-interest or no-interest loans to counties and nonprofit organizations for local resilience projects that address mitigation of hazards. Specifies that moneys in the Fund may also be used for administrative support associated with the Fund, including the hiring of necessary staff. Tasks the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security with the Fund's administration. Requires the Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency when funding is available under the federal STORM Act to capitalize the Fund. Directs IEMA-OHS to prioritize providing loans to projects it determines to have the greatest impact on eliminating hazards. Provides that the Fund shall be administered, operated, and maintained to remain available in perpetuity to provide loans and other financial assistance. Requires the Agencies to establish application procedures and eligibility criteria for loans from the Fund. Amends the State Finance Act to make a conforming change. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Elevator Safety and Regulation Act. Defines "temporary certificate of operation" as a temporary certificate of operation issued by the Administrator or the Local Administrator that permits the temporary use of a conveyance by the general public for a limited time of 30 days while minor repairs or upgrades are being completed if it is determined by the Administrator or the Local Administrator that the conveyance's use will not jeopardize the safety and health of those using or working on the conveyance. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires that upon approaching an emergency scene, a stationary authorized emergency vehicle, or a construction or maintenance area or zone, a person who drives a vehicle shall, proceeding with due caution, yield the right-of-way by making a lane change, if possible with due regard to safety and traffic conditions, if on a highway having at least 4 lanes with not less than 2 lanes proceeding in the same direction as the approaching vehicle reduce the speed of the vehicle to a speed that is reasonable and proper with regard to traffic conditions and the use of the highway to avoid a collision and leaving a safe distance until safely past the stationary authorized emergency vehicle, or construction or maintenance area or zone. Provides that if changing lanes would be impossible or unsafe, proceeding with due caution, reduce the speed of the vehicle to a speed that is reasonable and proper with regard to traffic conditions and the use of the highway to avoid a collision, or until safely past the construction or maintenance area or zone.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall have pre-bid, pre-construction meetings with county, township, and municipal elected officials and with all fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and medical providers in each Department district that will be impacted by the construction projects concerning the scope and nature of those construction projects.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Further amends the County Department of Corrections Law, the Health Care Violence Prevention Act, and the County Jail Act to replace use of "prisoner" with "committed person". In the County Department of Corrections Law, the Unified Code of Corrections, and the County Jail Law, requires the Department of Public Health to provide the flyers that must be provided to pregnant committed persons, and provides that, when a person with a uterus is committed to a county jail or State correctional facility, the person shall take a pregnancy test. In the County Department of Corrections Law and the Unified Code of Corrections: (i) provides that reports a sheriff, the Department of Corrections, and the Department of Juvenile Justice must submit under the provisions must be provided to the Jail and Detention Standards Unit of the Department of Corrections (removing the requirement to submit the report to the General Assembly and the Office of the Governor in the County Department of Corrections Law); (ii) modifies the reporting requirements; (iii) and provides that other qualified medical professionals (in addition to a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant) may determine that the postpartum period is longer than 6 weeks. In the County Department of Corrections Law, defines "participant" as an individual placed into an electronic monitoring program and makes conforming changes. Makes other changes. In provisions relating to informational materials that must be provided to pregnant committed persons, provides that the information must also include the procedure for obtaining information about guardianship or adoption resources, if so desired. Provides that, when a person with a uterus is committed to a facility, the person shall within 14 days be given a medical screening and offered a pregnancy test (rather than the person shall take a pregnancy test).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Permits the operation of an all-terrain vehicle that meets certain criteria on any street, roadway, or highway in the State, unless the highway is an interstate system, is near a grade-separated portion of the highway, is within a municipality, or has a posted speed limit higher than 45 miles per hour. Provides that an all-terrain vehicle must be registered with the Secretary of State if the all-terrain vehicle is operated on roads within the State. Provides for the distribution of registration fees. Outlines the vehicle equipment requirements for the operation of an all-terrain vehicle on a roadway. Establishes that a township, county, or other unit of local government may authorize, by ordinance or resolution, the operation of all-terrain vehicles on roadways under its jurisdiction if the unit of local government determines that the public safety will not be jeopardized. Requires a non-highway vehicle that is manufactured not to exceed 40 miles per hour to have a slow moving emblem on the rear of the non-highway vehicle. Provides that the Department of Transportation may authorize the operation of all-terrain vehicles on the roadways under its jurisdiction if the Department determines that the public safety will not be jeopardized. Allows a unit of local government or the Department to restrict the types of all-terrain vehicles that are authorized to be used on its streets. Provides that a unit of local government that permits the use of an all-terrain vehicle on its roadways shall not be deemed liable for crashes involving the use of an all-terrain vehicle on its roadways. Makes other changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Provides that the tax imposed on receivers of motor fuel applies until January 1, 2040 (currently, January 1, 2025). Amends the Environmental Impact Fee Law. Extends the repeal of the Environmental Impact Fee Law until January 1, 2040. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that a copy of the complaint shall also be served on each taxing district in which the property is located at least 90 days prior to the board of review hearing on the complaint. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Homelessness Prevention Act. Provides that on an annual basis, a grantee's administrative costs and case management expenses shall not exceed 30% (rather than 15%) of the grant amount it receives under the Department of Human Services' homeless prevention and assistance program.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that, if DuPage County has adopted and implemented a road improvement impact fee by ordinance or resolution and repeals the ordinance or resolution, the collected fees, along with any accrued interest, in the existing impact fee accounts shall be transferred to a transportation account to be used for capacity-related improvements. Valid impact fee refunds shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the repealed ordinance or resolution.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that Will County may adopt an ordinance regulating and imposing a civil penalty on an owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator to comply with gross vehicle weight or axle weight restrictions and that the County may enforce its regulations using an automated vehicle weigh-in-motion enforcement system. Allows a municipality wholly or partially within the County to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the County to provide automated vehicle weigh-in-motion enforcement systems in the municipal jurisdiction. Includes requirements for automated vehicle weigh-in-motion enforcement systems. Provides requirements for violation notices and for civil penalties for violations.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Decennial Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act. Provides that a governmental unit may elect to form a decennial committee to study local efficiencies and report recommendations regarding efficiencies and increased accountability to the county board in which the governmental unit is located once every 10 years (rather than the governmental unit must form a decennial committee at least once every 10 years). Effective January 1, 2025.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that for a 3-member public body, "meeting" does not include a gathering of 2 members of the public body, except when gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting, or otherwise gathered to adopt any motion, resolution, or ordinance. Provides that for a 3-member body, 2 members of the body constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of 2 members is necessary to adopt any motion, resolution, or ordinance, unless a greater number is otherwise provided. Allows a Police District Council to conduct a closed meeting if discussion of an issue of public safety concerns: (i) the privacy of individuals involved; (ii) law enforcement or official misconduct investigations involving specific individuals; or (iii) other topics that if discussed in an open meeting would pose an unreasonable risk to an ongoing criminal investigation, or an unreasonable risk to the safety of the general public. Allows a public body that has a website which is maintained by full-time staff of the public body to post public notice for a special meeting solely by posting notice on its website. Adds a provision allowing Police District Councils, created pursuant to the Municipal Code of Chicago, to hold meetings (other than the required regularly scheduled monthly meetings) by audio or video conference, without the physical presence of the members, subject to specified conditions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Funding Local Land Banks Act. Creates the Local Land Banks Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides that moneys in the Local Land Banks Fund shall be used, subject to appropriation, for the purpose of distributing funds to land banks to allow those land banks to acquire property in the State with the goal of increasing local government property tax revenue. Provides that units of local government may establish programs providing that, for the 5 years following the sale of a property by a land bank, 50% or more of the property tax revenue attributable to that property shall be remitted to the land bank for the purpose of funding new acquisitions or sales of real property.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Reimagine Public Safety Act. Provides for the Community Organization Capacity Building Program. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of Firearm Violence Prevention shall allocate $10,000,000 for community organization capacity building. Provides for the issuance of $150,000 to $500,000 grants in specified reimbursable service categories to small, emerging community-based organizations in Reimagine Public Safety Act communities. Provides for the issuance of $300,000 to $500,000 grants in specified reimbursable service categories for existing Reimagine Public Safety Act grantees to build other smaller organizations' capacities. Provides for requirements to receive grants and permits the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, with the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of Firearm Violence Prevention, to create other criteria to award grants. Provides for the Community Violence Initiative Workforce Development Training Centers Program. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of Firearm Violence Prevention shall allocate $5,000,000 for Community Violence Initiative organizations. Provides for the issuance of $2,500,000 grants in specified reimbursable service categories for 2 Community Violence Initiative workforce training organizations. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, with the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of Firearm Violence Prevention, shall create criteria to award grants. Provides for 4 prospective three-month grant payments based on specified criteria for any community-based organization funded by Restore, Reinvest, and Renew programs at the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, Climate and Equitable Jobs Act programs at the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, or Reimagine Public Safety Act programs at the Illinois Department of Human Services. Provides for peer assessment and evaluation for all grantees under the Reimagine Public Safety Act program. Defines terms. Amends the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Act and authorizes the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to act according to the powers and duties granted it in the Reimagine Public Safety Act. States findings and purpose.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Provides that a public entity or a public employee is not liable for injury caused by any unauthorized access to government records, data, or electronic information systems by any person or entity.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for a grant to the Lake County State's Attorney's Office for a violence interrupter program, including administrative costs. Effective July 1, 2023.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Modifies the conditions by which an open or closed meeting may be conducted by audio or video conference without the physical presence of a quorum of the members. Provides that a meeting may be held without the physical presence of a quorum of the members if, among other requirements, the chief elected or appointed official of the public body determines that an in-person meeting would pose a risk to the health or safety of members of the public body or the public and that conducting a meeting by an audio or video conference is in the best interests of the public body or the public and public notice of that meeting states the reason or reasons for such determination. Provides that such a determination by the chief elected or appointed official of the public body shall be required for any subsidiary body of the public body to conduct an open or closed meeting by audio or video conference. Specifies further requirements concerning notice and public comment. Makes conforming and other changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Paint Stewardship Act. Contains the findings of the General Assembly. Provides that manufacturers of architectural paint sold at retail in the State or representative organizations shall submit to the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency a plan for the establishment of a postconsumer paint stewardship program. Requires the program to meet specified requirements. Provides that manufacturers or retailers shall not sell or offer for sale architectural paint to any person in the State unless the manufacturer of a paint brand or representative organization is implementing an approved paint stewardship plan. Prohibits the incineration of leftover architectural paint collected pursuant to an approved paint stewardship plan. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations shall submit reports with specified requirements. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations participating in a postconsumer paint stewardship program shall not be liable for any claim of a violation of antitrust, restraint of trade, unfair trade practice, or other anticompetitive conduct arising from conduct undertaken in accordance with the program. Provides for administrative and oversight fees to be paid to the Agency. Provides that manufacturers or representative organizations shall implement the postconsumer paint collection plan within 6 months of the date that the program plan is approved. Contains provisions regarding postconsumer paint from households and small businesses. Contains other provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the amount transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Creates the offense of peace officer targeting. Provides that a person commits the offense when, by reason of the actual or perceived employment as a peace officer of another individual, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications. Provides that peace officer targeting is a Class 3 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense. Provides that the State's Attorney of each county shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly outlining: (1) the number of offenses in which a peace officer was a victim, (2) the charges filed, and (3) the ultimate disposition of each case.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Access to Public Health Data Act. Provides that the Department of Public Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Children and Family Services shall, at the request of a local health department in Illinois, make any and all public health data related to residents of that local health department's jurisdiction available to that local health department for the purposes of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability. Provides that the Department of Public Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services may adopt any rules necessary to implement the Act. Exempts specified information from inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information Act and makes a conforming change in that Act. Contains other provisions. Amends the Vital Records Act. Provides that no rule adopted by the Department of Public Health shall be construed as restricting access to vital records by any municipality, county, multicounty, public health district, or regional health officer recognized by the Department for the purposes described in specified provisions.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Animal Control Act. Provides that "dangerous dog" and "vicious dog" include dogs that attack companion animals. Requires the owner of a dog that has been deemed dangerous or vicious to place a sign by the owner's front door with a notice that a dangerous or vicious dog is kept or maintained at the residence and maintain a liability insurance policy insuring against liability involving a dog-related incident for injury to a person or injury to or destruction of property. Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish and maintain the Illinois Dangerous Dog Registry. Provides that the Registry shall include registration information on a statewide basis. Specifies the information that the Registry shall include about each dangerous or vicious dog. Provides that the address of the owner, the name and breed of the dog, and the acts that resulted in the dog being deemed vicious or dangerous shall be made available to the public on the Department's website. Requires the Department to make the public information searchable via a mapping system that identifies all locations where vicious or dangerous dogs are kept or maintained within 5 miles of an identified address. Requires the Department to set fees for the annual registration of dangerous and vicious dogs. Creates the Dangerous Dog Registry Fund, and provides that any funds collected shall be deposited into the Fund and used by the Department to maintain the Registry and the searchable mapping system on the Department's website. Makes a corresponding change in the State Finance Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Deletes language providing that, to the extent that records or documents produced by a public body contain information that is claimed to be exempt from disclosure, the Public Access Counselor shall not further disclose that information. Provides instead that records or documents obtained by the Public Access Counselor from a public body for the purpose of addressing a request for review may not be disclosed to the public, including the requester, by the Public Access Counselor. Provides that such records, while in the possession of the Public Access Counselor, are exempt under the Act from disclosure by the Public Access Counselor.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Emergency Telephone System Act. Changes the date that the Act will be repealed from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2025. Makes other, conforming date changes. Provides that an entity that manages or operates a private residential switch service or shared residential or temporary residential MLTS service that was installed on or before February 16, 2020 shall ensure that the system includes the ALI containing the street address of the 9-1-1 caller (rather than dispatchable location) who is the source of the call to 9-1-1. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Creates the Task Force on Interjurisdictional Industrial Zoning Impacts to study State and local zoning laws and policies related to large industrial developments. Sets forth the membership of the Task Force. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


SFA #1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Recorder Division of the Counties Code. Provides that, in counties of 500,000 or more inhabitants, the recorder may microphotograph or otherwise reproduce on film or store electronically instruments (rather than may microphotograph or otherwise reproduce on film instruments) in the manner provided by law. In provisions concerning predictable fee schedules for recordings in first and second class counties, provides that fees of the recorder for recording deeds or other instruments in writing and maps of plats of additions, subdivisions, or otherwise and for certifying copies of records shall not be based on units, but allows a county to adopt an ordinance and publish in its fee schedule an additional fee or formula for a document that makes specific reference to more than 5 tax parcels, units, property identification numbers, or document numbers. Allows the county board to increase, by ordinance or resolution, the fees allowed in the predictable fee schedule if the increase is justified by an acceptable cost study or internal analysis with a minimum of 3 years showing that the fees allowed by this Section are not sufficient to cover the cost of providing the service. Requires a statement of the cost of providing each service, program, and activity to be prepared by the county board and that all supporting documents to the statement are public record and subject to public examination and audit. Provides that all direct and indirect costs may be included in the determination of the costs of each service, program, and activity. Changes references to "irregular documents" to "nonstandard documents". Allows a county board to charge an additional minimum $3 automation fee for every filing to defray the cost of converting the recorder's document storage system to computers or micrographics and in order to defray the cost of providing access to records through the Internet and $3 GIS fee for a county's geographic information system, specifying how the moneys may be used. Makes other changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Senate Amendment 1: Creates the Paint Stewardship Act. Provides that each manufacturer of architectural paint sold or offered for sale at retail in the State shall submit to the Environmental Protection Agency a plan for the establishment of a postconsumer paint stewardship program. Requires the Agency to make a determination regarding whether to approve or disapprove the plan within 60 days of the plan being submitted. Prohibits a person from incinerating architectural paint collected pursuant to a paint stewardship plan. Requires the plan to be submitted no later than 12 months after the effective date of the Act. Restricts a manufacturer or retailer from selling or offering to sell architectural paint to any person in the State unless the manufacturer of the paint brand or the manufacturer's representative organization is implementing a paint stewardship plan. Provides that a manufacturer or representative organization participating in a postconsumer paint stewardship program shall not be liable for any claim of a violation of antitrust, restraint of trade, unfair trade practice, or other anticompetitive conduct arising from conduct undertaken in accordance with the program. Provides that by July 1, 2026, and each July 1 thereafter, a manufacturer or representative organization shall submit a report to the Agency that details the implementation of the manufacturer's or representative organization's program during the prior calendar year. Provides that financial, production, or sales data reported to the Agency by a manufacturer, retailer, or representative organization is confidential business information and is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Requires a manufacturer or representative organization submitting a program plan to pay an administrative fee of $10,000 to the Agency at the time of submission. Provides that by July 1, 2026, and each July 1 thereafter, a manufacturer or representative organization operating a stewardship program shall remit to the Agency a $40,000 administration fee. Provides that on or before January 1, 2025, a manufacturer or representative organization shall implement a postconsumer paint collection plan. Provides that collection sites shall accept architectural paint from households and very small quantity generators to the extent provided in the postconsumer paint stewardship program. Sets forth penalties for violation of the Act, including a $7,000 civil penalty per violation. States legislative findings. Defines terms. Makes a conforming change in the Freedom of Information Act. Senate Amendment 2: Provides that it is in the best interest of the State for paint manufacturers to, among other things, collect, transport, and process leftover paint for end-of-life management, including reuse, recycling, and disposal (rather than reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and disposal). Provides that a plan for the establishment of a postconsumer paint stewardship program shall, among other requirements, describe how postconsumer paint will be managed using the following strategies: reuse, recycling, and disposal (rather than reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and disposal).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Authorizes the Director of the Department of Natural Resources to execute and deliver to Lake County, for $1, specified property located in Lake County, subject to certain conditions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the Shelby County Board may form, manage, fund, and operate a volunteer rescue squad to provide assistance within Shelby County to any public entity providing law enforcement, firefighting, emergency disaster response, or first responder services. Provides that the volunteer rescue squad may (i) locate missing persons, including drowning victims, (ii) perform a supporting, and not direct, role in fighting fires, and (iii) extricate persons from unsafe conditions. Provides that the Shelby County Board may provide benefits for rescue squad volunteers who suffer disease, injury, or death in the line of duty.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Senate Amendment 1: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that "non-highway vehicle" includes a large non-highway vehicle, as defined in the Recreational Trails of Illinois Act. Requires a non-highway vehicle to have a slow moving emblem affixed to its rear if it was manufactured not to exceed 40 miles per hour. Prohibits a slow moving emblem from being affixed to any non-highway vehicle that is manufactured to exceed 40 miles per hour. Provides that a 2-wheeled non-highway vehicle shall be subject to the same safety requirements as a motorcycle. Provides that all non-highway vehicles must possess the same amount of liability insurance coverage as all other on-road vehicles. Provides that a county board shall not be deemed liable for for crashes involving the use of a non-highway vehicle on the county's roadways. Requires that 2-wheeled non-highway vehicle are subject to the same safety requirements as a motorcycle. Provides that a non-highway vehicles must possess the same amount of liability insurance coverage as all other on-road vehicles. Senate Amendment 2: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that "non-highway vehicle" includes a large non-highway vehicle, as defined in the Recreational Trails of Illinois Act. Requires a non-highway vehicle to have a slow moving emblem affixed to its rear if it was manufactured not to exceed 40 miles per hour. Prohibits a slow moving emblem from being affixed to any non-highway vehicle that is manufactured to exceed 40 miles per hour. Provides that a 2-wheeled non-highway vehicle shall be subject to the same safety requirements as a motorcycle. Provides that all non-highway vehicles must possess the same amount of liability insurance coverage as all other on-road vehicles. Provides that a county board shall not be deemed liable for for crashes involving the use of a non-highway vehicle on the county's roadways. Requires that 2-wheeled non-highway vehicle are subject to the same safety requirements as a motorcycle. Provides that a non-highway vehicles must possess the same amount of liability insurance coverage as all other on-road vehicles.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the County Design-Build Authorization Division of the Counties Code. Provides that, rather than evaluating design-build proposals to see if they meet the utilization goals for business enterprises established in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act and provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, design-build proposals may be evaluated to determine if the proposals meet the county's contracting goals for the county's program for disadvantaged business enterprises based on the county's most recent, legally defensible disparity study.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Revenue Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Revenue shall reimburse eligible taxing districts for revenue loss associated with providing homestead exemptions for veterans with disabilities. Specifies that a taxing district is eligible for reimbursement if application of the homestead exemptions for veterans with disabilities results in reduction in the total equalized assessed value of all taxable property in the taxing district in which the taxing district is located of more than 2.5% for the taxable year that is 2 years before the start of the State fiscal year in which the application for reimbursement is made and the taxing district is located in whole or in part in a county that contains a United States military base. Provides that the aggregate amount of reimbursements for all taxing districts in any calendar year may not exceed $15,000,000. Sets forth the amount of the reimbursement. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Early Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to implement a 2-year pilot program to provide FDA-approved 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray kits to licensed community substance use providers and public health departments in Cook County, DuPage County, Winnebago County, Sangamon County, and St. Clair County. Requires the Department to implement a data collection program to determine the number of 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray kits administered by emergency medical service providers and bystanders per overdose incident during the 2-year term of the pilot program. Provides that the data collected must also include the number of overdose reversals and deaths following the administration of the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray. Requires the Department to prepare a report on the results of the 2-year pilot program and submit the report to the General Assembly by July 1, 2026. Effective January 1, 2024. Senate Amendment 1: In a provision requiring the Department of Human Services to implement a data collection program to determine the number of 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray kits administered by emergency service providers and bystanders during the 2-year pilot program, provides that the data must (i) include the number of individuals who survived as a result of the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray intervention and those who became deceased and (ii) include the number of opioid overdose reversals attributed to the administration of the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray intervention, by county (rather that requiring that the data collected must also include the number of individuals who survived an opioid overdose after receiving the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray and the number of individuals who died of an opioid overdose after receiving the 8-milligram naloxone nasal spray).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

SB1403 - 9-8-8 TASK FORCE

Creates the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force Act. Provides that the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Task Force shall be composed of 12 appointed members and the State's Chief Behavioral Health Officer, or the Officer's representative. Provides that the 2 Task Force co-chairs shall appoint experts to contribute and participate in the Task Force as nonvoting members. Provides for meetings of the Task Force and responsibilities relating to examination of the first year of implementation and use of the 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in Illinois. Requires the development of an action plan with specified recommendations to be filed with the Governor and General Assembly by December 31, 2023. Includes legislative findings. Repeals the Act on January 1, 2025. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the county boards of Kankakee County and Tazewell County (currently, Kane County, Kendall County, and Will County) may also, by ordinance, impose a judicial facilities fee to be used for the building of new judicial facilities. Effective immediately. This is a Tazewell County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Humane Care for Animals Act. Adds specified offenses of the Humane Care for Animals Act for which law enforcement making an arrest may take possession of a companion animal. Adds specified offenses of the Act for which a court may order the forfeiture of an animal. Provides that upon a violation (rather than conviction) of specified offenses, the court may order the person in violation to forfeit the animal or animals that are the basis of the violation. Provides that a court may order that the person in violation and certain persons in the person's household may not own, possess, harbor, or have custody or control of any other animals for a reasonable period of time, including permanent relinquishment. Provides that a person who violates such a prohibition is subject to immediate forfeiture of any animal and subject to imprisonment for not more than 90 days, a fine of not more than $2,500, or both. Effective immediately. This is a DuPage County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Allows meetings to be held by audio or video conference if the head of the public body determines that an in-person meeting or a meeting is not in the best interests of the public body or its members. Makes conforming changes. Modifies the requirements for meetings held by audio or video conference. Allows news outlets to receive notice of all special, emergency, rescheduled, or reconvened meetings by email. Removes provisions concerning meetings held on a legal holiday and certain quorum requirements.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment Act. Creates the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment Advisory Council to provide advice and recommendations to the Environmental Protection Agency in the drafting, amendment, and finalization of the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment. Provides that on or before January 1, 2024, the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency shall appoint members to the Advisory Council to provide advice and recommendations to the Agency in the drafting, amendment, and finalization of the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment. Provides that on or before December 1, 2026, the Statewide Recycling Needs Assessment Advisory Council shall prepare and submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor, which shall include an opportunity for a minority report.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Provides that owners and operators of CCR surface impoundments at electric generating plants that are within 4,000 feet of Lake Michigan shall close the CCR surface impoundment by removal and off-site disposal, pursuant to specified provisions and requirements. In additional provisions, requires an owner or operator of an electric generating plant located within 4,000 feet of Lake Michigan that generates or has generated CCR that is not disposed of, treated, stored, or abandoned in a CCR surface impoundment to remove from the owner's or operator's site, for off-site disposal, all CCR generated by the facility that is not disposed of, treated, stored, or abandoned in a CCR surface impoundment and remediate all soil and groundwater impacted by the CCR, in accordance with specified requirements. Requires owners or operators to submit specified plans and reports to the Environmental Protection Agency. Provides that an owner or operator shall post with the Agency a performance bond or other security for the purpose of ensuring removal and remediation in accordance with the provisions. Provides that the Agency may enter into such contracts and agreements as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of the provisions. Provides that neither the State, nor the Director of the Agency, nor any State employee shall be liable for any damages or injuries arising out of or resulting from any action taken under the provisions. Contains other provisions. Contains a severability provision. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the amount transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility in or within one mile of an urban area (instead of in or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people). Allows a county (in addition to a municipality) to opt out of bicycle and pedestrian way construction by passing a resolution stating that a bicycle or pedestrian way does not fit within its development plan.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that an open or closed meeting may be conducted by audio or video conference, without the physical presence of a quorum of the members, so long as the following additional requirements are met: (1) the public body makes available a dedicated meeting space where those individuals who do not have access to the Internet may participate in the meeting; (2) the public body ensures that a means of remote participation other than audio-only communication is made available to those individuals who are interested in participating in the meeting; (3) the public body ensures that all cameras used for remote participation are operating properly; and (4) the public body maintains a written record of those individuals who participated in the meeting and a description of whether those individuals participated in person or by remote means. Makes technical and other changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that for the purpose of removing barriers to the timely treatment of serious mental illnesses, prior authorization mandates and utilization management controls shall not be imposed under the fee-for-service and managed care medical assistance programs on any FDA-approved prescription drug that is recognized by a generally accepted standard medical reference as effective in the treatment of conditions specified in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. Provides that the following shall be permitted for prescription drugs covered under the amendatory Act: (i) clinically appropriate drug utilization review (DUR) edits, including, but not limited to, drug-to-drug, drug-age, and drug-dose; (ii) generic drug substitution if a generic drug is available for the prescribed medication in the same dosage and formulation; and (iii) any utilization management control that is necessary for the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to comply with any current consent decrees or federal waivers. Defines "serious mental illness".

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act. Provides that a hospital subject to the Act shall disregard household income received through participation in a guaranteed income program reported by an uninsured patient who applies for financial assistance. Defines "guaranteed income program" to mean a publicly or privately funded program that provides one-time or recurring unconditional cash transfers or payments, or gifts to individuals or households, for a defined number of months or years for the purposes of reducing poverty, promoting economic mobility, or increasing the financial stability of Illinois residents. Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that for purposes of determining eligibility and the amount of assistance under the Code, the Department of Human Services and local governmental units shall exclude from consideration any financial assistance, including cash transfers or gifts, that is provided to a person through a guaranteed income program (rather than the Department of Human Services and local governmental units shall exclude from consideration, for a period of no more than 60 months, any financial assistance, including wages, cash transfers, or gifts, that is provided to a person who is enrolled in a program or research project that is not funded with general revenue funds and that is intended to investigate the impacts of policies or programs designed to reduce poverty, promote social mobility, or increase financial stability for Illinois residents if there is an explicit plan to collect data and evaluate the program or initiative that is developed prior to participants in the study being enrolled in the program and if a research team has been identified to oversee the evaluation). Effective immediately. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Modifies the definition of "private information" by providing that medical records include electronic medical records and the information contained within or extracted from an electronic medical records system operated or maintained by a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act covered entity. Exempts from disclosure all protected health information that may be contained within or extracted from any record held by a covered entity, including information that alone or compiled or under circumstances in which the patient information combined with other information could allow for patient identification, in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $25,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Supreme Court to be distributed to counties for expenses for direct mental health services provided to individuals and families participating in mental health courts, or on standard adult and juvenile probation caseloads. Appropriates $9,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Supreme Court for the establishment and maintenance of crisis intervention mental health care units for regional use and availability by probation departments for adults and juveniles in need of immediate care and placement. Effective July 1, 202 3 .

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. In the General Provisions Article, provides that beginning on January 1, 2024, the annual earnings, salary, or wages of a Tier 2 participant under the Cook County Article shall track with the Social Security wage base (rather than shall not exceed $106,800, adjusted annually). Makes conforming changes in the Cook County Article and provides that the county's contribution shall be paid through a tax levy and any other lawfully available funds. Provides that beginning on January 1, 2025, the Fund shall not use contributions received by the Fund for subsidy for an annuitant health care program. Deletes a restrictive date in a provision concerning establishing credit for military service. Beginning on December 1, 2023, provides that the president of the county shall appoint 2 additional members to the board of trustees. Requires the retirement board to retain an actuary who is a member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries to produce an annual actuarial report of the Fund and provides criteria for the report. Provides that the annual audit required of the Fund may include the preparation of the annual actuarial report. Provides that the annual report submitted to the county board shall include the annual actuarial report. Requires that the minimum required employer contribution shall be submitted annually by the county and provides the method of determining the minimum required employer contribution. Provides that the Fund shall (rather than may) pay for an annuitant health care program administered by the Fund (rather than any of the county's health care plans). Makes other changes. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the corporate authorities of Jo Daviess County may impose up to a 1% additional hotel tax in the county if the tax is approved by referendum initiated by a petition or by ordinance of the corporate authorities of the county. Prohibits taxes from being imposed on gross rental receipts of permanent residents of a hotel, motel, or resort. Provides that the additional hotel tax shall be used by the county for the costs associated with providing infrastructure in support of tourism and conventions within the county and emergency services in support of tourism and conventions within the county. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Defines "emotionally disturbed person" and "special event". Deletes "data" from the definition of "information". Provides that the Act does not apply to the use of drones by a law enforcement agency under circumstances in which the drone is used over publicly owned property or private property with permission and the purpose is training peace officers, public relations, conducting infrastructure inspections, or other similar non-law enforcement purposes. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency if the law enforcement agency is assisting an emotionally disturbed person, and is not also undertaking a criminal investigation. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency at a special event to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement; assess public safety staffing; or to monitor the safety of the participants. Provides that if the special event is occurring on private property, the use of a drone shall be authorized by the owners or organizers prior to flight. Provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service, when the primary purpose for the response is to locate or assist victims, or both, identify offenders, or guide emergency response. Provides that information gathered by a drone is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Amends the Freedom of Information Act to make conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that subject to appropriation, the Department of Children and Family Services shall create and implement a 3-year pilot program to provide grants to underserved units of local government to establish licensed day care centers within local government facilities for local government employees, visitors, and eligible residents who reside in the local government's jurisdiction. Provides that the Department shall arrange for an evaluation of the pilot program to determine whether the pilot program is successfully supporting local government employees. Provides that at the end of the 3-year pilot program, the Department shall submit a report to the General Assembly with its findings from the evaluation. Provides that the report shall state whether the Department intends to continue the pilot program and the rationale for its decision. Provides that the Department may adopt rules and procedures to implement and administer the program. Creates the Local Government Facilities Day Care Fund and makes a corresponding change in the State Finance Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Fund the Police Act. Contains findings. Creates the Fund the Police Grant Fund and provides that moneys that the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board receives from the Fund must be used for the purpose of making grants to units of local government for the purposes of: (1) hiring, rehiring, and retention of law enforcement officers, including hiring and retention incentives and overtime; (2) funding body camera mandates and purchasing law enforcement equipment designed to keep officers and their communities safe; (3) funding additional law enforcement training; (4) assisting with outreach and community policing activities; (5) assisting with mental health treatment for individuals in county jails; (6) providing mental health care for law enforcement officers; and (7) purchasing public safety equipment designed to prevent gang violence, motor vehicle theft, vehicular hijacking, or the sale of contraband. Provides that the Board may set rules relating to requirements for the distribution of grant moneys and determine which law enforcement agencies are eligible. Provides that the Board must consider compliance with the Uniform Crime Reporting Act as a factor in awarding grant moneys. Provides that moneys in the Fund the Police Grant Fund may not be appropriated, assigned, or transferred to another State fund. Provides for a continuing appropriation at the beginning of each fiscal year of $125,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Fund the Police Grant Fund. Amends the State Finance Act by making conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $125,000,000 from the Fund the Police Grant Fund to the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board for specified grants to units of local government for all expenses related to the administration of the statutory provisions of the Fund the Police Act. Effective July 1, 202 3 .

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall develop a program of technical assistance in support of regional manufacturing partnerships that include secondary, postsecondary, and workforce stakeholders. Provides that the program shall include a collaboration between an employer association representing manufacturers and a public university.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the fee for a coroner's or medical examiner's permit to cremate a human body is $100 (rather than $50). Effective immediately.

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Mandate? No
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Substance Use Disorder Residential and Detox Rate Equity Act. Requires the General Assembly to appropriate sufficient funds to the Department of Human Services, for State Fiscal Year 2024 and for each State fiscal year thereafter, to ensure reimbursement rates will be increased and subsequently adjusted upward by an amount equal to the Consumer Price Index-U from the previous year, not to exceed 5% in any State fiscal year, for licensed or certified community-based substance use disorder treatment providers under community service grant programs for persons with substance use disorders, including, but not limited to, certain residential and withdrawal management services provided in accordance with criteria established by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Probation and Probation Officers Act. Provides that the Division of Probation Services shall reimburse the county or counties for 100% of the salary for all probation officer and supervisor positions approved for reimbursement by the division to meet pretrial services programs and specialty court programs. Provides that for the remaining probation officer positions engaged in basic services and new or expanded services approved of the total statewide number as of July 1, 2021, beginning on July 1, 2024, 20% of that number shall be transferred to those requiring 100% salary reimbursement. Each subsequent July 1, another 20% of the July 1, 2021 population shall also be transferred under described circumstances.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Provides that the Environmental Protection Agency may establish a take-back program for local fire departments that use and store older firefighting foam made with perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $5,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Public Health for implementing the Equity and Representation in Health Care Act. Effective July 1, 2023. This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, in matters a sheriff deems essential to preventing or assisting with disasters or events of civil disorder, the sheriff may authorize plain clothes to be worn by auxiliary deputies as long as the auxiliary deputies are carrying proper identification while performing this function. Provides that auxiliary deputies may only carry firearms while in the performance of their assigned duties (rather than while in uniform and in the performance of their assigned duties).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act. Defines "special event". Deletes "data" from the definition of "information". Provides that "information" does not apply to circumstances in which the drone is used over publicly owned property or private property with prior permission of the owner of the private property when the purpose is training peace officers, public relations, conducting infrastructure inspections, or other similar non-law enforcement purposes. Permits the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency at a special event to prepare for or monitor crowd size, density, and movement; assess public safety staffing; or to monitor the safety of the participants. Provides that a law enforcement agency may use a drone to respond to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatched calls for service, when the primary purpose for the response is to locate or assist victims, or both, identify offenders, and to guide emergency response. Provides that information gathered by a drone is subject to the disclosure and exception to disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Makes other changes. Amends the Freedom of Information Act to make conforming changes.

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Mandate? No
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Carpet Stewardship Act. Provides that within 60 days after the effective date of the Act, the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency shall appoint specified members to a clearinghouse to administer and implement a carpet stewardship program. Specifies the duties of the clearinghouse. Requires the clearinghouse to be incorporated as a nonprofit. Provides that for all carpet sold in this State, the clearinghouse shall implement, and producers shall finance, a statewide carpet stewardship program that manages the product by reducing the product's waste generation, promotes its carpet recovery and reutilization, and provides for negotiation and execution of agreements to collect, transport, process, and market the old carpet for end-of-life carpet recovery or carpet reutilization. Requires the clearinghouse to submit, by July 1, 2024 and by July 1 every 3 years thereafter, a 3-year plan to the Agency for approval. Specifies the requirements for the plan. Establishes requirements for review of the plan and requirements for producers, retailers, and distributors of carpet. Requires the clearinghouse to submit annual reports to the Agency and pay specified administrative fees. Includes enforcement provisions for the Act. Establishes requirements for State procurement of carpet in the future. Contains a severability provision. Contains other provisions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county with a population of less than 1,000,000 may establish minimum requirements for new building design and construction to lessen the risks caused by new building design and construction to wildlife and sensitive habitats. Effective immediately. This is a Lake County initiative.

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Mandate? No
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Provides that within 90 days after the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Areas have been designated by the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program Board, the Board chair shall appoint 8 public officials of municipal or county (rather than municipal) geographic jurisdictions in the State that include a Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Area to the Board.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Department of Revenue Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Revenue shall establish and administer a State Property Tax Relief Reimbursement Pilot Program for the purpose of reimbursing taxing districts for property tax revenue loss associated with State facilities. Sets forth the amount of the reimbursement. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Specifies that the rate of reimbursement for inpatient psychiatric services for safety-net hospitals shall be no less than $800 per day.

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Mandate? No
Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Changes the definition of "recurrent requester" to mean a person who, in the 12 months immediately preceding the request, has submitted to the same public body (i) a minimum of 40 (instead of 50) requests for records, (ii) a minimum of 10 (instead of 15) requests for records within a 30-day period, or (iii) a minimum of 5 (instead of 7) requests for records within a 7-day period. Requires a public body to either comply with or deny a request for public records, or to invoke its right to an extension of the deadline to produce the records, within 15 (instead of 5) business days after its receipt of the request. Extends the deadline to respond to a request made for a commercial purpose from 21 to 30 days. Exempts from disclosure records related to the location or operation of an automated license plate recognition system and records containing data generated or stored by those systems.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Act. Establishes the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides for the allocation of moneys to the Fund. Provides requirements for the use and disbursement of moneys in the Fund. Establishes the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Council. Provides for the membership of the Council and related requirements. Provides for the powers and duties of the Council and the Department of Public Health in relation to Council activities. Provides that the Council shall disburse moneys from the Fund in a manner consistent with the limitations on uses of litigation proceeds set forth in any controlling court order, with specified exceptions. Provides reporting requirements. Provides for the adoption of rules. Amends the State Finance Act to provide for the Opioid Litigation Proceeds Fund. Provides findings and purpose provisions. Defines terms.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Provides that an amount equal to 10% of the net revenue realized from the State income tax during the preceding month shall be transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Local Government Distributive Fund (currently, the amount transferred is equal to the sum of (i) 6.16% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed upon individuals, trusts, and estates, (ii) 6.85% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed upon corporations, and (iii) 6.16% of the net revenue realized from the tax imposed upon electing pass-through entities). Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Community Revitalization Zone Act. Provides that a county or municipality may designate an area within its jurisdiction as a community redevelopment zone, subject to the certification of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Sets forth the criteria for designation as a community redevelopment zone. Amends the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Provides that, with respect to tangible personal property that is purchased from a retailer located in a community revitalization zone, the taxes under those Acts are imposed at the rate of 3.25%. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the State grant-making agency shall report all information to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit that relates to the status of a grant application or execution for the purposes of providing information for a public portal. Provides the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall create and maintain an internet-based public portal that provides information on the status of grants being executed by the State. Provides that this portal shall include the amount of monetary award the entity has received, a description of where the grant is at in the approval process, the estimated completion date of the execution of a grant agreement with the State, and the next outstanding information needed by the agency or the department from the grantee.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that an election authority establishing a vote center (where a voter in its jurisdiction is allowed to vote on election day regardless of the precinct in which they are registered) under the Section shall identify the location, hours of operation, and any health and safety requirements by the 40th day preceding an election (rather than the 2022 general primary election and the 2022 general election) and certify such to the State Board of Elections. Removes a repeal date of July 1, 2023 for the vote center provisions. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that the State Board of Elections shall reimburse a county up to $50 for an amount paid to an election judge under specified provisions that is in excess of $100 per day. Provides that the provisions shall not affect the calculation of an election judge's compensation.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Act. Provides that the Department of Natural Resources, pursuant to the comprehensive plan and subject to appropriation, shall establish and administer a Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program for the preservation and enhancement of forests, prairies, and wetlands in Illinois. Provides that eligible entities for the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program include: (1) units of State and local government, including, but not limited to, State agencies, municipalities, townships, counties, forest preserves, and park districts; (2) conservation land trusts; (3) not-for-profit entities with conservation missions including, but not limited to, climate change mitigation, preservation of natural lands, and conservation of the State's natural resources; and (4) other entities to be determined by the Department as eligible recipients of the grants under the Act. Provides that the Department may utilize an amount not to exceed 25% of the funds appropriated for the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program for administrative costs and for grants to eligible entities.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Provides that the Department of Children and Family Services shall reimburse any county probation department for the costs of placement of any youth in care, whether the youth in care is in the custody of a county juvenile detention center or appropriate placement that meets the needs of the youth in care. Provides that the costs shall include expenditures for transportation and medical or mental health services. Provides that placement costs shall be at the detention center's usual and customary rate. Contains findings.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Provides that nothing in the Act prohibits a forest preserve district from prohibiting persons from carrying a firearm into any botanic garden, campground, aquatic center, grounds of an aquatic center, boat launch, boating center, athletic venue, picnic grove, nature center, grounds of a nature center, pavilion, grounds of a pavilion, golf course, parking lot, driving range, adventure course, grounds of an adventure course, zipline building, grounds of a zipline, equestrian center, grounds of an equestrian center, exercise venue, grounds of an exercise venue, any Illinois nature preserve, land and water reserve, or any public or private gathering or special event conducted on property that requires the issuance of a permit. Defines "grounds". This is a Cook County initiative.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a county or municipality may undertake local broadband projects and the provision of services in connection with local broadband projects, may lease infrastructure that it owns or controls relating to local broadband projects or services, may aggregate customers or demand for broadband services, and may apply for and receive funds or technical assistance to undertake local broadband projects to address the level of broadband access available to its businesses and residents. Provides that, to the extent that it seeks to serve as a retail provider of telecommunications services, the county or municipality must obtain appropriate certification from the Illinois Commerce Commission as a telecommunications carrier. Provides that certification of a county or municipality serving as a retail provider of telecommunication services is an exclusive power and function of the State. Amends the Public Utilities Act to make a conforming change.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Construction Zone Safe Detour Act. Establishes that a company that provides GPS travel services in the State is required to ensure that at least one person is available to receive official requests 24 hours per day, 7 days per week from emergency services, Illinois State Police, or the Department of Transportation for the purpose of implementing proper detours in the event of construction or emergency. Requires a GPS service provider to upload the detour and routing information provided by emergency services, Illinois State Police, or the Department of Transportation into its navigation system to properly route users of the GPS service provider's systems. Provides that a GPS service provider that fails to implement proper detour routing on an ongoing and emergency basis may be liable for treble damages. Allows an affirmative defense for GPS service providers if emergency services, including the Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police, fail to notify the GPS service provider with routing information. Prohibits the Department from conducting construction on a secondary route or parallel primary highway at the same time, except in an emergency. Requires the Department to reimburse local governments for damages caused to roads within the local government's jurisdiction that arise from any detour around or near a construction zone authorized by the Department. Provides that the Department shall adopt emergency rules for the administration of the Act. Defines terms.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Century Network Act. Provides that, on or before June 30, 2028, the Department of Innovation and Technology must offer free internet access through the Illinois Century Network to park districts, forest preserve districts, conservation districts, and soil and water conservation districts.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Changes the effective date of the Act from January 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Provides that the definition of "employer" does not include forest preserve districts organized under the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act or the Cook County Forest Preserve District Act, municipalities organized under the Illinois Municipal Code, townships organized under the Township Code, or counties organized under the Counties Code.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that a county board may also maintain, restore, rehabilitate, beautify, or adaptively reuse land along scenic byways (in addition to places of architectural significance, historic significance, or scenic significance). Further amends the Counties Code. Provides that the lease of real estate is also permitted when a property, structure, or facility owned by the county can be used for athletic purposes or museum purposes in the interest of the public or for the benefit and enjoyment of residents of the county. Effective immediately. Provides that, the lease of real estate is also permitted by a county when a property, structure, or facility owned by the county can be used for athletic purposes or museum purposes in the interest of the public or for the benefit and enjoyment of residents of the county in the following circumstances: (1) if the property, structure, or facility is vacant; or (2) if the property, structure, or facility acquired by the county is being used prior to the county acquiring the property, structure, or facility, then, for leases entered into after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, the lease of the property, structure, or facility must require (i) the lessee to allow any organization that used the land at the time the lease is executed to continue to use the land for the leased purposes during the term of the lease and (ii) the lessor to continue, during the term of the lease, to employ, in the same capacity, any persons who provided services on the land at the time the lease is executed. In provisions allowing a county to maintain, restore, rehabilitate, beautify, or adaptively reuse places of architectural significance, historic significance, scenic significance, or land along scenic byways and to lease or license county-held property to public or private entities for not longer than 99 years for such purposes, provides that nothing in the provisions may be construed to permit eminent domain.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Aeronautics Act. Allows a forest preserve or conservation district to enact ordinances regulating unmanned aircraft systems. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Act. Provides that the Department of Natural Resources shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant plan for the preservation and enhancement of forests, prairies, and wetlands in Illinois. Provides that the Department of Natural Resources, pursuant to the comprehensive plan and subject to appropriation, shall establish and administer a Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program to restore degraded forest lands and native prairies, and to promote the growth of native vegetation that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help to mitigate the impact of climate change. Provides that units of local government are eligible to submit a grant proposal in a format and at a time prescribed by the Department of Natural Resources. Provides that grants may be used by units of local government to fund: (1) local projects restoring or expanding forests, wetlands, prairies, or other natural landscapes demonstrated to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; (2) education and marketing regarding local projects or steps community members may take to promote the growth of native vegetation that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; and (3) any other purpose approved by the Department of Natural Resources that advances the State goal that there be no overall net loss of the State's existing forest, prairie, or wetland acres or their functional value due to State-supported activities. Amends the Department of Natural Resources Act and the State Finance Act to make conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $5,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Healthy Forests, Wetlands, and Prairies Grant Program. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, moneys in the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund may not be appropriated, assigned, or transferred to another State fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Aeronautics Act. In provisions concerning the regulation of unmanned aircraft systems, provides that nothing in those provisions shall be construed to deny a unit of local government the right to adopt reasonable rules related to the use by a private party of airspace that is above ground level of public property owned or controlled by that unit of local government. Provides that the provisions apply to publicly owned or controlled property that is intended or permitted to be used for recreational or conservation purposes, including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds, aquatic facilities, wildlife areas, or other recreational facilities. Provides that reasonable rules adopted pursuant to the provisions do not supersede any administrative rules adopted by the Department of Transportation or any federal laws, rules, or regulations. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that "system of administrative adjudication" means the adjudication of any violation of a municipal or county ordinance, except for any offense under the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar offense that is not included in specified provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code (rather than except for any offense under the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar offense). Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a municipality or county may adopt an ordinance limiting the width of vehicles, the height of vehicles, and the length of vehicles on roadways and to enforce violations of specified provisions of the Code or a similar provision of a local ordinance. Makes conforming changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Home Rule County Use Tax Law of the Counties Code. Provides that, if a home rule county imposes a home rule county use tax, then the tax shall be collected by the Department of Revenue when the property is purchased at retail from a retailer in any county in this State other than the home rule county imposing the tax. Includes provisions relating to collection and administration of the tax. Provides that the Department shall not begin collection and enforcement before January 1, 2025. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Election Code. Provides that it is unlawful for any person to intimidate, threaten, coerce, use violence or force, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, coerce, or use violence or force against an election worker with the specific intent to: (1) impede or interfere with that election worker in the performance or discharge of his or her election-related duties; (2) induce that election worker to violate or refuse to perform his or her election-related duties or violate or refuse to comply with any law regulating elections; or (3) retaliate against that election worker for the performance of his or her election-related official duties. Provides that any person who violates the provision is guilty of a petty offense and is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Hospital Licensing Act. Provides that a municipality, political subdivision, State agency, or other governmental entity that owns or operates a hospital under any law authorizing or establishing a hospital or hospital district shall, relative to the delivery of health care services, have, in addition to any authority vested by law, the authority and legal capacity concerning the specified use and investment of funds. Provides that conversion of public funds for the benefit of any individual concerning the specified use and investment of funds shall constitute grounds for review and action by the Attorney General or the applicable State's Attorney. Provides that a municipality, political subdivision, State agency, or other governmental entity exercising the powers granted for the use and investment of funds shall be subject to all applicable public purchasing requirements and the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Forestry Development Act. Specifies that, before the Department of Natural Resources may approve a forest management plan under the Act, the timber grower must obtain approval of the plan from the corporate authorities of the municipality in which the affected land is located or, in the case of land located in an unincorporated area, from the county board. Provides that the Department may not approve a proposed forest management plan unless and until it receives a resolution or ordinance from the corporate authorities of the municipality or county, as the case may be, assenting to the adoption of the plan. Specifies that these requirements also apply to reapprovals of forest management plans.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that provisions concerning delinquencies by lessees of property owned by a taxing district apply in all counties with a population of fewer than 3,000,000 inhabitants (currently, counties with more than 800,000 but less than 1,000,000 inhabitants). Provides that those provisions apply if the taxes remain unpaid 60 days after the final (currently, second) installment due date. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Local Food Infrastructure Grant Act. Requires the Department of Agriculture to develop and administer a Local Food Infrastructure Grant Program to enhance local food processing, aggregation, and distribution within the State through the award of annual grants.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person also commits criminal damage to property when he or she intentionally damages, destroys, or tampers with equipment in a critical infrastructure facility without authorization from the critical infrastructure facility. Provides that a violation is: (1) a Class 4 felony when the damage to property does not exceed $500; (2) a Class 3 felony when the damage to property exceeds $500 but does not exceed $10,000; and (3) a Class 2 felony when the damage to property exceeds $10,000. Provides that a person may be liable in any civil action for money damages to the owner of the critical infrastructure facility for any damage resulting from a violation. Provides that it is an affirmative defense to a violation that the owner of the property or land damaged consented to the damage. Provides that a person may also be liable to the owner for court costs and reasonable attorney's fees resulting from a violation. Changes the name of the offense of criminal trespass to a nuclear facility to criminal trespass to a critical infrastructure facility. Includes as an element of the offense that the person must have the intent to damage, destroy, or tamper with equipment of the facility. Provides that a person may also be liable in a civil action for money damages to the owner of the critical infrastructure facility for any damage to personal or real property of the facility resulting from the trespass. Provides that a person may also be liable to the owner for court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. Defines "critical infrastructure facility" and "with the intent to damage, destroy, or tamper with equipment of the facility".

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that proposals or bids submitted by engineering consultants in response to requests for proposal or other competitive bidding requests by the Department of Transportation or the Illinois Toll Highway Authority are exempt from disclosure under the Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a county or municipality may undertake local broadband projects and the provision of services in connection with local broadband projects, may lease infrastructure that it owns or controls relating to local broadband projects or services, may aggregate customers or demand for broadband services, and may apply for and receive funds or technical assistance to undertake local broadband projects to address the level of broadband access available to its businesses and residents. Provides that, to the extent that it seeks to serve as a retail provider of telecommunications services, the county or municipality must obtain appropriate certification from the Illinois Commerce Commission as a telecommunications carrier. Provides that certification of a county or municipality serving as a retail provider of telecommunication services is an exclusive power and function of the State. Amends the Public Utilities Act to make a conforming change. Nothing in the provisions shall be construed to authorize a county to lease, license, or otherwise grant access to or use of infrastructure that the county does not own or control to public or private entities to facilitate the delivery of broadband services.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, in matters a sheriff deems essential to preventing or assisting with disasters or events of civil disorder, the sheriff may authorize plain clothes to be worn by auxiliary deputies as long as the auxiliary deputies are carrying proper identification while performing this function. Provides that auxiliary deputies may only carry firearms while in the performance of their assigned duties (rather than while in uniform and in the performance of their assigned duties).

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the Opioid Antagonist Bulk Purchase Fund. Provides that the Fund may receive gifts, grants, bequests, donations, and moneys from any other lawful source, public or private. Requires any interest earned on moneys in the Fund to be deposited into the Fund. Provides that subject to appropriation, moneys in the Opioid Antagonist Bulk Purchase Fund shall be used by the Department of Human Services for bulk purchasing of opioid antagonists and for the making of grants for the distribution of opioid antagonists. Requires the Department of Human Services to adopt rules establishing requirements for the distribution of grant moneys and the determination of which persons or entities are eligible for and most in need of those grants, and gives it authority to adopt any other rules necessary to implement the provisions and administer the Fund. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that if a unit of local government that has adopted and implemented a road improvement impact fee by ordinance or resolution and repeals the ordinance or resolution, the collected fees, along with any accrued interest, in the existing impact fee accounts may be transferred to a transportation account to be used for capacity-related improvements. Valid impact fee refunds shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the repealed ordinance or resolution.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Appropriates $ 10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Public Health for local health protection grants for health protection programs. Effective July 1,2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Provides that the Department of Human Services may establish or authorize a program for dispensing and distributing fentanyl test strips. Also provides that a county health department may distribute fentanyl test strips for no fee.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act. Provides that a governmental unit may award contracts based on its own ranking of the offerors without regard to whether or not a cooperative purchasing program has ranked the offerors. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Provides that a retailer that makes retail sales of tangible personal property to Illinois customers from a location or locations outside of Illinois is engaged in the occupation of selling at retail in Illinois for the purposes of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act under specified conditions. Provides that a retailer maintaining a place of business in this State that makes retail sales of tangible personal property to Illinois customers from a location or locations outside of Illinois is engaged in the business of selling at the Illinois location to which the tangible personal property is shipped or delivered or at which possession is taken by the purchaser. Effective January 1, 2025.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, a county may use funds designated by law or ordinance for transportation purposes to fund rides for persons to attend problem-solving courts. Allows a county to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with another unit of local government for the purposes of the provisions. Defines "problem-solving court" as a court program regulated under the Drug Court Treatment Act, the Juvenile Drug Court Treatment Act, the Mental Health Court Treatment Act, or the Veterans and Servicemembers Court Treatment Act.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Eminent Domain Act. Provides that quick-take powers may be used for a period of no more than 2 years after the effective date of the amendatory Act by Will County for the acquisition of certain described property for the purpose of road construction. Repeals the new provisions 3 years after the effective date. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits aggravated assault when, in committing an assault, he or she knows the individual assaulted to be a construction worker, maintenance worker, engineer, survey worker, truck driver, material supplier, employee of the State of Illinois or a unit of local government, or any other person while performing any type of work related to a public works project. Defines "public works". Provides that a violation is a Class A misdemeanor.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act. Provides that a law enforcement officer is "in uniform" only when primarily assigned to respond to law enforcement-related encounters or activities. Adds a definition for "no expectation of privacy". Provides that, on and after January 1, 2026, an officer no longer needs to provide notice of recording to a person that has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Provides that recordings made on officer-worn cameras must be retained by the law enforcement agency or by the camera vendor used by the agency on a recording medium for a minimum period of 90 days and no longer than 2 years unless flagged (rather than for a period of 90 days). In provisions relating to exceptions to destruction of camera recordings if a recording has been flagged, provides that an encounter is deemed to be flagged when a formal investigation or informal inquiry has commenced (rather than a formal or informal complaint has been filed). Modifies when recordings may be used to discipline law enforcement officers. Provides that recordings are only subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act when a recording is flagged due to the filing of a complaint, discharge of a firearm, use of force, arrest or detention, or resulting death or bodily harm and the subject of the encounter has a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time of the recording (removing other exceptions). Provides that only the subject of the recording or the subject's legal representative may obtain the portion of the recording containing the subject if they provide written authorization to release the video. Makes other changes. Amends the Law Enforcement Camera Grant Act. Provides that grant funds may be used for the entire costs of the officer-worn body camera program and contract, including hardware, video management, software and licenses, accessories, storage, maintenance costs warranty, training, charging docks and data transfer devices and systems, and mobile data costs. Removes a requirement to include criminal and other violations and civil proceedings in which the cameras were used in reports that must be provided by a law enforcement agency receiving a grant for in-car video cameras or for officer-worn body cameras. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012 and Freedom of Information Act making conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Transportation Cooperation Act of 1971, the Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, the Bi-State Development Agency Act, and the Regional Transportation Authority Act. Provides that a railroad passenger service, a Transportation Service Association, the Department of Transportation, the Regional Transportation Authority, the Chicago Transit Authority, and the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority shall issue an annual report on or before December 31 of each year containing all rail safety recommendations made by the National Transportation Safety Board during the previous 12 months and the status of the entity's implementation of those recommendations. Provides that the Federal Railroad Corporation (also known as Amtrak) and the Bi-State Development Agency may issue a similar report. Provides that a report issued under the provisions shall be made publicly available on the website of the entity. Effective July 1, 2024.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that a copy of the complaint shall also be served on each taxing district in which the property is located at least 90 days prior to the board of review hearing on the complaint. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Resilient Illinois Revolving Loan Fund Act. Establishes the Resilient Illinois Revolving Loan Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides that moneys in the Fund shall be used to provide low-interest or no-interest loans to counties and nonprofit organizations for local resilience projects that address mitigation of hazards. Specifies that moneys in the Fund may also be used for administrative support associated with the Fund, including the hiring of necessary staff. Tasks the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security with the Fund's administration. Requires the Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency when funding is available under the federal STORM Act to capitalize the Fund. Directs IEMA-OHS to prioritize providing loans to projects it determines to have the greatest impact on eliminating hazards. Provides that the Fund shall be administered, operated, and maintained to remain available in perpetuity to provide loans and other financial assistance. Requires the Agencies to establish application procedures and eligibility criteria for loans from the Fund. Amends the State Finance Act to make a conforming change. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Pretrial Success Act. Provides that the Department of Human Services has grant making, operational, and procurement authority to distribute funds to local government health and human services agencies, community-based organizations, and other entities necessary to execute the functions under the Act. Provides that subject to appropriation, the Department shall issue grants to local governmental agencies and community-based organizations to maximize pretrial success each year. Provides that grants shall be awarded no later than October 1, 2024. Provides that grants in subsequent years shall be issued on or before September 1 of the relevant fiscal year and shall allow for pre-award expenditures beginning July 1 of the relevant fiscal year. Provides that each judicial circuit with a population of at least 250,000 constitutes a service area. Provides that each judicial circuit with populations of less than 250,000 shall be combined with at least one other geographically contiguous judicial circuit to constitute a service area with a population of at least 250,000. Provides that resources for each service area shall be distributed based on maximizing the total potential pretrial success. Subject to appropriation, the minimum annual grant amount awarded in each service area shall be $300,000. Provides that beginning in fiscal year 2027 and subject to appropriation, grants shall be awarded for a project period of 3 years, contingent on Department requirements for reporting and successful performance. Provides that organizations receiving grants under the Act shall provide the following services directly or through subgrants to other organizations:(1) case management for mental health and substance use disorders; (2) detoxification or referral to detoxification when clinically indicated and available in the community; (3) medication assisted treatment or referral to medication assisted treatment when clinically indicated and available in the community; (4) child care to remove barriers to court appearances; and (5) transportation to court appearances if not available through the Office of Statewide Pretrial Services or other court stakeholders. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Local Government Zero Emissions Transition Grant Program Act. Requires the Environmental Protection Agency to establish and administer a Local Government Zero Emissions Transition Grant Program. Delineates the program into two Phases. Provides that Phase 1 requires an application to the Agency by a local government stating a local ordinance or nonbinding declaration has been voted on regarding transition of the local government's vehicle fleet to zero emissions by 2030. Limits Phase 1 grants to a maximum of $50,000 with at least a 20% match from the applicant. Requires applications under Phase 2 of the program to be predicated on either completion of an evaluative study regarding readiness for electric vehicles by the local government or completion of Phase 1 of the program. Provides that Phase 2 of the program requires an application to the Agency by a local government stating defined goals and projects in the transition of the local government's vehicle fleet, including building electric vehicle infrastructure, increasing load capacity, training staff, and other defined goals and projects. Gives priority to applicants based on planned date for transition to zero emissions, the effects of climate change and carbon pollution on the local government, and the percentage of the local government's fleet converted. Defines local government units under the Act to municipalities, townships, and counties; defines other terms. Permits the adoption of rules by the Agency.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Allows the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to grant a community water supply an initial extension of the lead service line replacement timeline for a period of a time that is equal to not more than 30% (rather than not more than 20%) of the original lead service line replacement timeline.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility in or within one mile of an urban area (instead of in or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people). Allows a county (in addition to a municipality) to opt out of bicycle and pedestrian way construction by passing a resolution stating that a bicycle or pedestrian way does not fit within its development plan.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Provides that within 90 days after the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Areas have been designated by the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program Board, the Board chair shall appoint 8 public officials of municipal or county (rather than municipal) geographic jurisdictions in the State that include a Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Area to the Board.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Creates the Climate Bank Loan Financing Act. Allows a governmental unit (i) to own, construct, equip, manage, control, erect, improve, extend, maintain, and operate new or existing clean energy infrastructure projects, to purchase real estate and any property rights to be used for clean energy infrastructure projects, and to charge for the use of clean energy infrastructure, (ii) to borrow money and to access a loan from the Illinois Finance Authority to finance projects for the acquisition, construction, or improvement of new or existing clean energy infrastructure under the Illinois Climate Bank bond loan programs of the Illinois Finance Authority, and (iii) to issue from time to time general obligation bonds, including alternate bonds and limited bonds, and revenue bonds pursuant to applicable law for the purpose of evidencing its obligation to repay its loans from the Illinois Finance Authority. Includes requirements for the issuance of bonds. Requires the governmental unit to adopt an ordinance, or resolution when appropriate, to authorize participation in a loan from the Illinois Finance Authority, and to authorize and issue bonds. Specifies requirements of the ordinance or resolution, including levying a direct annual tax to pay for general obligation bonds and, for revenue bonds, to enter into covenants and agreements as may be found by the governmental unit to be necessary and appropriate to secure the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on the revenue bonds. Allows the governmental unit to enter into loan agreements and security agreements with respect to the borrowing of money from the Illinois Finance Authority pursuant to the Act. Includes provisions relating to authority to issue bonds under other provisions of law, executing of bonds, and severability. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a municipality, county, or township may enact an ordinance providing for administrative and civil fines to enforce violations of provisions concerning fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer or a similar provision of a local ordinance and imposing liability on a registered owner or lessee of a vehicle used in such a violation. Makes corresponding changes.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Public Contract Fraud Act. Provides that the Attorney General need not approve the title for lands needed for public works or improvements if the consideration paid does not exceed $25,000 (currently, $10,000). Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the State Commemorative Dates Act. Establishes that the period from June 1st through June 7th of each year is designated as Law Enforcement Civilian Personnel Appreciation Week, to be observed throughout the State as a week to honor the dedicated civilian personnel at law enforcement agencies.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Elevator Safety and Regulation Act. Defines "temporary certificate of operation" as a temporary certificate of operation issued by the Administrator or the Local Administrator that permits the temporary use of a conveyance by the general public for a limited time of 30 days while minor repairs or upgrades are being completed if it is determined by the Administrator or the Local Administrator that the conveyance's use will not jeopardize the safety and health of those using or working on the conveyance. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act. Provides that Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity may designate a business that intends to establish a new wind power facility or a utility-scale solar facility as a high impact business only if the municipality in which the facility will be located (or the county in which the facility will be located, if the facility will be located in an unincorporated area of the county) approves, in writing, the designation of the business as a high impact business. Makes conforming changes. Amends the Prevailing Wage Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a county board may, by ordinance, establish standards for noise pollution in the unincorporated areas of the county. Effective immediately.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that a public body may hold a closed session to consider the minutes (instead of discussion of minutes) of meetings lawfully closed under the Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes, and, notwithstanding the requirement of the Act that no final action may be taken at a closed meeting, the final approval of minutes in closed session. In provisions concerning the semi-annual review of minutes of a closed session, provides that the public body may may approve any closed session minutes taken since the last meeting to fully satisfy the requirement to approve closed session minutes at a public meeting.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Urges the Biden Administration to adjust federal funding levels for undercounted areas and to see that Illinois receives the funds appropriate to their actual population, not the undercount. Resolves that the State of Illinois should take all appropriate steps to ensure undercounted communities within the State receive their proper funding.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Recognizes McHenry County for its participation in Operation Green Light for Veterans and its continued support for veterans and their families. Encourages the residents of Illinois to recognize and honor all veterans who have made immeasurable contributions and sacrifices to preserve freedom by displaying a green light in a window of their business or residence. Encourages the residents of Illinois to honor the service, courage, and sacrifice of every veteran, service member, and their families.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Declares February 2, 2024 as "World Wetlands Day" in the State of Illinois. Urges state agencies, local governments, and other organizations to work together to preserve and protect wetlands.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Congratulates Marion County on its 200th birthday and acknowledges all of the contributions by the residents, churches, community organizations, farmers, families, factory workers, and community leaders that have had an impact on our State and the nation.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?


Urges the Illinois Department of Human Services to review the value of expanding its naloxone tool kit to include all U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved versions of naloxone or other FDA-approved products to fight the Illinois opioid epidemic.

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Position: Support
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?