Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: HB2458
Category: County Authority
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. Limits home rule powers in provisions allowing a county or municipality to provide by ordinance for a system of administrative adjudication for ordinance or code violations.

Staff Analysis

House Bill 2458 proposes amendments to the Counties Code and the Illinois Municipal Code. The bill aims to limit home rule powers concerning the establishment of administrative adjudication systems for ordinance or code violations by counties and municipalities. The bill is supported by the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (IACC).

Impact on County Authority:

Restriction of Home Rule Powers: The bill explicitly limits the ability of home rule units—counties and municipalities with self-governing authority—to independently establish administrative adjudication systems for local ordinance or code violations. This represents a shift in authority from local governments to the state legislature, reducing local autonomy in this area.

Impact on County Revenues:

Potential Revenue Reduction: Administrative adjudication systems often serve as mechanisms for local governments to enforce ordinances efficiently and collect associated fines, contributing to local revenue streams. By restricting the establishment or operation of these systems, counties may experience a decrease in revenues derived from such fines and penalties.

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