Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: SB1986
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: No position
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption?

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Summary as Introduced

Amends the Downstate Police and Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that, until 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory Act, a participating sheriff's law enforcement employee may elect to transfer service credit from a downstate police pension fund to IMRF. Provides that to establish that creditable service, the sheriff's law enforcement employee may elect to either pay a specified amount to IMRF or have the amount of his or her creditable service reduced by a specified amount. Provides that if the amount transferred to IMRF is greater than a specified amount, the additional amount shall be credited to the account of the sheriff's law enforcement employee's employer. Makes conforming changes. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.

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