Summary as Introduced
Creates the Preventing Targeted Violence Act. States the purpose of the Act. Provides that a community support team may be established by a unit of local government. Provides that membership of the community support teams is limited to participating member agencies. Provides that membership of a community support team shall include at least one member from specified entities. Provides that a participating member agency is any agency, organization, or entity located in or serving the geographic area encompassed by the community support team that may elect to present a case to the community support team for case review and behavioral threat assessment and management consultation. Provides that a member of a community support team shall be appointed by the head of the participating member agency. Provides the duties and responsibilities of a community support team. Requires community support teams to comply with all applicable laws governing the sharing of confidential records. Provides that, if acting in good faith, without malice, and within the protocols established by the Act, then members of the community support team, community support team staff, participating member agency staff, and anyone participating in a case review shall have immunity from administrative, civil, or criminal liability for an act or omission related to the participation in a case review with specified exceptions.