Session: 104th General Assembly
Year: 2025
Bill #: SB2358
Category: Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Position: Under Review
Revenue Loss?
Authority Preemption? Yes

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Summary as Introduced

Creates the Protecting Religious Assembly in States of Emergency Act, which may be referred to as the PRAISE Act. Provides that an order, rule, regulation, ordinance, resolution, or other directive issued by the State government or a unit of local government pursuant to an emergency or health or safety determination, declaration, or proclamation that requires closure or limitation of any business or other facility otherwise open to public use or patronage, but which exempts in whole or in part any particular entity or set of entities, shall exempt to the same extent a place of worship of a tax exempt religious organization as the other entities are exempted. Requires the provisions to be construed to afford to religious organizations and the organizations' places of worship the same degree of freedom to meet as is afforded to the most favored entity or set of entities. Allows a civil action by a person or religious organization that has been burdened or impaired by a violation of the provisions, including injunctive orders; compensatory damages; nominal damages; a finding of a violation; and, when malice or recklessness is demonstrated, punitive damages. Limits the concurrent exercise of home rule powers. Amends the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act to make a conforming change.

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