Position Statements on ICAP Proposals

ISACo's 2023 Illinois County Action Program (ICAP) consist of the two issues below. Click on the images to view ISACo position statements for further information. 

Use of County Disparity Studies for Design-Build Projects

SB 1226 (Senator McConchie, R-Hawthorn Woods)

County Appointments to Restore, Reinvest and Renew Board 

SB 2071 (Senator Harriss, R-Maryville)

Suggestions for future legislative proposals can be forwarded to ISACo via this link.

ISACo County Platform (2023)

ISACo's Illinois County Platform is re-visited and amended each year by the Legislative Committee and Board of Directors to reflect the position of the Association on issues that affect counties. Click on the image to view the 2023 County Platform.

ISACo Member County Legislative Agendas for 2023

Cook County

DuPage County

Lake County

Member County Initiatives Tracked by ISACo

Questions About ISACo's Legislative Program?

General questions about ISACo's Legislative Program are answered in our Legislative Program FAQs resource.